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Book Reports pages 1 - 54

1,602 Book Reports Essays: pages 1 - 54

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Page 1   "alphonse" by Shirley Jackson - A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

… Readers context effects how they response to issues raised in text.I live in a Multi cultural society this shapes my response of …

… A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway, set during the reign "of President Wilson"(pg.58) a time of havoc due to World War I. L …

Page 2   A Figurative Reflection - A Window into the Green Tea Culture of Japan

… A Figurative Reflection: An Analysis of Sylvia Plath's "Mirror" Rahni Meko David Eng125 Introduction to Literature Instructor: D …

… Sabrina Baycroft, 15727150 Anthro 210, Fessenden A window into the green tea culture of Japan For many generations, green tea ha …

Page 3   A Worn Path Reflective Essay - Alchemist Essay - Choices Can Direct Life

… A Worn Path Reflective Essay A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty, is the story of an elderly Negro woman by the name of Phoenix Jackson …

… Choices Can Direct Life “I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, …

Page 4   Alcohol and Heavy Drinking - Analysis the Issues Faced by a Firm with the Toys and Games Industry

… Alcohol and heavy drinking throughout Canada plays a distinctive role in instigating other key addictions. Drinking and consumpt …

… Report task Analysis the issues faced by a firm with the Toys and Games industry Toys and Games consists of the following some o …

Page 5   Analytic Case - Arthur Miller Case

… The Human body will always need different types of exercising. Good exercising can be thirty minutes of your time. If you exerci …

… In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, there is a great deal of one's principles being chosen over their own life. The Puritans belie …

Page 6   Articles of Partnership - Billay Liar Case


… Billy Fisher's real world is surrounded by a dull Northern town, a job as clerk in an undertaker's office, a argumentative relat …

Page 7   Billie Holiday - Book Review of Whale Done by Ken Blanchard

… Billie Holiday was one of the best jazz singers of her time. She was born in 1915 to Sadie Fagan and Clarence Holiday. Billie Ho …

… Book Review of Whale Done by Ken Blanchard I was excited to get through my first Ken Blanchard book. I have read a lot of his pr …

Page 8   Book Review on Schooled - Carl Robbins Case

… Book Review on Schooled By Emma GHIGLIONE Schooled, by Gordon Korman, is a great book about a child who are home-schooled and gr …

… Case Study Analysis Introduction On this case study analysis paper we will look at Car Robin's facing major problem as the new r …

Page 9   Carly's Ghost - Change Is like Putting Lipstick on a Bulldog, Many Change Attempts Are Superficial

… I love thriller but at the same time I hate them. Because they make me flesh creep and extremely suspicious in all day long.Alth …

… We have obtained studies and theories from different scholars. It included:  Blanchard (2010) stated what triggers change, both …

Page 10   Changeable Nature of Life - College Life

… Changeable Nature of Life The Bean Trees Essay The only thing that is constant in life is change. Seasons change, weather change …

… COLLEGE LIFE When I hear the word college, I first think fun, fun, and more fun. I recall all the frat parties, late night room …

Page 11   Commercial Analysis - Confessions of the Mask

… The commercial I picked for analysis is the Pepsi Cola commercial broadcasted in Hong Kong & China area, dated back to 2010. The …

… Struggles Psychological and gender struggles are evident in Yukio Mishima’s Confessions of the Mask. The main character in the J …

Page 12   Construction Workers - Daughter from Danang

… A Research Project On Lives of Construction Workers EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Construction forms the second largest economic activity of …

… Daughter From Danang There were many cross-cultural problems in the documentary Daughter From Danang. The first one that I recog …

Page 13   Dead Poets Society - Discuss the Impontance of Museums as Tourist Attraction in Tourism.

… BRAVERY Dead Poets Society is a movie filled with many different types of bravery. In fact does all of the characters show it, s …

… 1. DISCUSS THE IMPONTANCE OF MUSEUMS AS TOURIST ATTRACTION IN TOURISM In this century we hardly to see people who put interest i …

Page 14   Disillusionment - Martian Chronicle Essay - Educating Rita - Reflection Paper

… Jennifer Liang November 15, 2016 Class 3 Word Count:849 Disillusionment I, wearing a cat-like headwear, walked hand in hand with …

… At age thirty five, I find myself being able to relate to Rita more than ever. One summer morning I found myself gazing into the …

Page 15   Education Analysis for Pmi - Eng 496 - Personal Connections

… Discussing the selection of PMI problem solving tool. PMI, which stands for plus, minus and interesting has been masterminded by …

… Melissa Sheppard ENG 496 17 Jun 2013 Tired When looking over this piece it strikes a great chord in my life; which causes me to …

Page 16   Eng101 - Bonus Project - Global Warming - External Competitiveness Refers to the Pay Relationships Among Organizations Pay Rela …

… Evren Ayhan ARTUN S000235 Eng101 - Bonus Project We can not ignore that global warming is one of the biggest threat for the eart …

… 1. External competitiveness refers to the pay relationships among organizations pay relative to its competitors. I would advise …

Page 17   Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - For the Common Defense

… 1. Short resume Oskar is a nine year old boys who loses his father on 9/11. He finds a key hidden in a blue vase in his father's …

… Although this book was painstakingly detailed in the events of our nation's military history and served as a solid introduction …

Page 18   Forbidden City Vs 1984 - Gender Politics in Pride and Prejudice

… Alex Jackson from Forbidden City by William Bell and Winston Smith from 1984 by George Orwell illustrate how circumstances that …

… During the late eighteenth century and into the early nineteenth century, England was a society of patriarchal, in which men hel …

Page 19   General Motors Corporation Case Analysis - Grendel Case

… Summary / Abstract: General Motors has played a pivotal role in the global auto industry for more than 100 years. From the first …

… Understand another person is extremely hard, but when we lack the ability to communicate with another species it makes it near i …

Page 20   Growth of Reading and Writing - Hello

… The Growth of Reading and Writing Reading and writing are very important in life growing up. The quicker you can learn to read a …

… Page 82-88 Notes, & 4.1 Quick Check * Import - Goods and services that people in a country can buy from other people in differen …

Page 21   Hemingway's the Old Man and the Sea - Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and the New Global Cinema: No Film Is an Island.

… Delbert E. Wylder in Hemingway's Heroes said that the last novel during Hemingway's life time was The Old Man and the Sea, a wor …

… Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and the New Global Cinema: No Film is an Island 0 comments Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and the New Globa …

Page 22   Horror Case - I'm a Filipino

… Stephen King is one of my favorite authors. He writes about contemporize horror, suspense, science fiction and fantasy books. St …

… Throughout the world, the race of the Filipinos is barely seen or notice. We sometimes feel so inferior to other races, maybe be …

Page 23   I'm Going to Change - Into Thin Air - Style

… I'm gonna change I'm gonna let go of the past But hold on to the future I did things I cant replace Now they are things I have t …

… As a journalist by career, Jon Krakauer chooses to narrate his book as objectively as possible and thus far he has stayed true t …

Page 24   Introduction to Health Care Information - John Smith Case

… CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH CARE INFORMATION KEY TERMS * Aggregate Data and Information - Data (Patient Records, Uniform Bi …

… Journal 2: The story about John Smith was very interesting even though I've read about and heard stories about him since I was a …

Page 25   Joining the Army at 18 - Legalize It All - Herb Sinsemillia

… Joining the Army at 18 Against November 7, 2011 I do not think that anyone, man or women, should be made to enlist in the army o …

… Prompt:6 In the article “Legalize it all “. Herb Sinsemillia argues and states that if drugs corporations can make and sell drug …

Page 26   Legalizing Marijuana - Free the Trees Please - Love and Marriage in Medieval Britain

… Free the Trees Please There I was studying the influences of marijuana and the effects it has on one's body, and I realized that …

… Love and Marriage in Medieval Britain In today's society, love is still written in many forms, with many different meanings. The …

Page 27   Love Case - Managing Stress

… Everyone has decisions about love to make, that is just how life is. We all hit a cross croad of sorts, and the effects of these …

… Stress is natural. So, to the extent that stress is a sign of vitality, stress is good. Yet most of us never really learn how to …

Page 28   Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl - Merlin Case

… Man’s Search for Meaning By: Viktor Frankl Reviewed by: Amirul Iqmal Bin Razlan (1523585) Man's Search for Meaning is a book wri …

… Outliers Summary Part One "Matthew Effect" Majid, Ting, Victoria In this chapter, Gladwell tries to change the old perception of …

Page 29   Mermaids Case - Ms. Morgan

… There have been many hoaxes made since the myths of mermaids came about.In the 17th century a man displayed what he said to be a …

… This book made me really frustrated and let down, I agree although Ms. Morgan had a big imagination but it's hard for me to gras …

Page 30   Mudbound - Hillary Jordan - Ngugi Wa Thiong'o's a Grain of Wheat: Representing 'the Other' in English?

… Mudbound, Hillary Jordan Mudbound is a novel that explicitly addresses many controversial issues such as infidelity, war, sexual …

… Ngugi wa Thiong'o's A Grain of Wheat: Representing 'The Other' in English? Ngugi wa Thiong'o makes a compelling nationalistic ar …

Page 31   Night by Elie Weisel - Of Mice and Men

… Night Have you ever been dehumanized? In Elie Weisel's novel, Night, he writes about his experience in the concentration camps. …

… This essay is about how lennie is innocent to the murder of curleys wife. I strongly agree that lennie did this by accident and …

Page 32   Of Mice and Men - Treatment of the Inferior - Pakistan History

… Treatment of the Inferior In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, a social hierarchy controls the ranch. The boss is t …

… (Summary) Ch No.6 This Is an Important chapter in many ways. Because exmines the history of industrialization process the first …

Page 33   Pan De Frutas Swot Analysis - Pizza Shop - Sales Forecast & Forecasted Financial Statements

… III. SWOT Analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Pan de Frutas has several strengths on which to build, but o …

… Part A Business Plan: Sales Forecast & Forecasted Financial Statements Income Statements for the period ending 31 December Actua …

Page 34   Plato Creats a Cave - Story - Progress Report

… in his story plato creats a cave and in the cave there a prisoners who are chained to a wall. The prisoners are forced to stair …

… Introduction: This progress report is written to show: - The developments made in terms of completeing the NGN -110 project (Fal …

Page 35   Progressive Corporation - Reflection of the Jilting of Granny Weatherall

… . What challenges does Progressive face in 2007? What would you recommend to CEO Glenn Renwick? Challenges: In 2006, insurance r …

… March, 26 2012 Mrs. Long Creative Modernism/Post.Mod Project Reflection of The Jilting of Granny Weatherall The Jilting of Grann …

Page 36   Reflection Paper on Business Communication Class - Rhetorical Analysis: Poem

… Hegino “Chino” J. Chua Jr. Business Communication Ateneo Graduate School of Business – Cebu Campus Prof. Teresa Maria Custodio R …

… Rhetorical Analysis: Poem The subject of this poem is summer. The occasion is a summers day. The audience is the woman he is com …

Page 37   Richard Garner's Case - Samsung Notepc Feedback Survey

… Director Richard Garner's version of Hamlet was as good as it will get for most of the general population of college students. I …

… Samsung NotePC Feedback Survey Dear Customer, We are really glad that you chose to buy a Samsung PC, and we hope that you are en …

Page 38   Samurai's Garden - Short Stories

… Throughout Stephen's visit in Tarumi, Japan, he has several influences that turn the adolescent, naïve boy he once was in China, …

… I'd like to talk about what I've learnt in the short stories elective module at school. I've learnt a lot about the six key elem …

Page 39   Shunned by Society - Special Friend

… Ryan Curtiss English 3 CPE Mrs. Eustice Ray Rice Essay Shunning People everyday get shunned by society. Famous people mostly get …

… Special Friend When you are depressed, who is always cheering you up? When you lost direction of your life, who can give you the …

Page 40   Speech Case - Swisher Mower and Machine Company

… In the speech, Dr. Bent discussed many issues related to his researches about benefits of foreign investment. He mentioned about …

… The Industry  Riding lawn mowers are classified as lawn and garden equipment.  The category "lawn and garden equipment" is com …

Page 41   Swot on Sara Lee - The Awakening Case

… SWOT Strengths: Sara lee has ability to charge to customers higher prices, Customers typically rebel against price increases by …

… The Awakening was a book that revolutionized the view of women and their roll in a man's world. This book is written about a wom …

Page 42   The Baby in the Bottle Analysis - The Controversial Dialect

… Brooding over what is forever lost will slowly make you shrivel and decay. Aside from it being useless and a mere waste of time, …

… The Controversial Dialect Those who study linguistics focus on all aspects of language, not just grammatical formation and funct …

Page 43   The Coquette: Change Through Choice - The Evil

… The eighteenth century was a patriarchal age that adhered to the conservative moral pertaining to woman of that time which The C …

… The book Evil is based on Jan Guillou's own experiences in the 50's in boarding school. An amazing novel about the suffering and …

Page 44   The Examination of a Worn Path - The Greeks Eighteenth Century

… The Examination of a Worn Path An author expresses themselves through writing and it can come in many different forms such as a …

… During the eighteenth century, the idea of a revolution was spreading throughout the Turkish-controlled Greece. The Greeks took …

Page 45   The Grey Scene at the Blue Hotel - The Lightning Thief

… Stephen Crane's poem "XXII" from "War is Kind" can be used to describe the theme in " The Blue Hotel" because everything is neve …

… The Lightning Thief The Lightning Thief is about a 12 year old boy named Percy Jackson who is dyslexic and has ADHD. He currentl …

Page 46   The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe - The Outsider Written by Albert Camus

… The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was the first book of C.S. Lewis 's popular children's fantasy series The Chronicles of Na …

… The outsider Notes: * The outsider is a novel written by Albert Camus that has modern existentialist thought at its core. The no …

Page 47   The Outsiders - The Service Industry Segment of Tasty Steak

… THE OUTSIDERS The Outsiders is having the class struggle type of genre. The story takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the mid-196 …

… The Service Industry Segment of Tasty Steak Name Class Student ID Victoria TM1301 2013212191 Zach TM1301 2013212154 Oscar TM1303 …

Page 48   The Shadow of Truth - The View of War in "dulce Et Decorum Est" and "anthem for Doomed Youth"

… The Shadow of Truth In the everyday life of an individual, one is confronted with decision in one’s belief. Should one accept al …

… Wilfred Owen's "Dulce Et Decorum Est" and "Anthem For Doomed Youth" are poems describing the horrific life of War. In both poem' …

Page 49   The Virgin Suicides - Through the Tunnel

… Almost everyone has a point in their lives where they are trying to figure out exactly who they are. Sometimes they even sneak a …

… Through the Tunnel There are four modes to which Through the Tunnel can fall under; tragedy,comedy, romance, or irony. I believe …

Page 50   To Be Educated - Treasure Island

… No one can know for sure what is the correct way to teach everybody; this being simple logic for the basic reason that everybody …

… sir,Book Description: London: Cassell & Company, 1883., 1883. First edition, First Issue "The Finest Tale of Maritime Adventure …

Page 51   Trifles Case - Virgin and Child with Four Angels

… Trifles "Trifles" is a one act play written by Susan Glaspell in 1916 after being affected by the true brutal murder of John Hos …

… Preliminary Museum Report This essay is write about a painting titled "Virgin and Child with Four Angels" by Gerard David. He wa …

Page 52   Virhinia Tech Case - What Makes a Leader - a Review

… Virginia Tech. The editorial is about the time after the school shooting at Virginia Tech, and how the devastated parents of the …

… In the "What Makes a Leader" reading, I can quickly relate the reading to the president of my previous organization. The preside …

Page 53   What Were the Goals of the Progressive Movement? Aimed to Return the Control of the G … - Words of Wisdom

… Nico Savoji * What were the goals of the progressive movement? Aimed to return the control of the government to the people and g …

… The problem is about how to produce tv production by independent tv production companies. How to promote indie films. I. Brief B …

Page 54   Workplace Health and Safety in Brunei - Zeitoun by Dave Eggers

… 1. Introduction Workplace safety and health have been few of the important factors in most countries. Over the past 30 years, ma …

… Zak Gudanick Prof. Hayes FYE 100 Sept 13, 2011 In Zeitoun, by Dave Eggers, the main character name is Abdulrahman Zeitoun (Egger …