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Checkpoint Individual Goal Statement

Essay by   •  November 22, 2013  •  Essay  •  470 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,280 Views

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Checkpoint Individual Goal Statement

Coming up fitness was a very important to me, before I became pageant with my last child I weighted 135, and today my weight is 215 and having a pin in me hip I have to lose this weight, because it's putting too much pressure on mine leg. I do have to admit that after, I had her I became so busy with school and work that I stopped working out. My health is very important to me so when doctors told me that I had allergies to different foods back in 2008, I had to rethink the way that I was eating. I have tried to eat health as much as I could.

Having allergies to most fruits, vegetables, seafood, red meats, bread and milk they all messes with my digestive system, so I have tried to eat foods that would give me the recommended nutrients, vitamins and menials on a daily bases. I have incorporated foods such as spinach, kale, and broccoli and instead of using vegetable oil I now use canola oil; to add fiber I eat more fiber plus antioxidants, and to add extra fiber into my diet I use Flax Seed in everything that I eat.

I have also started eating Special K products to my diet as well. My work out plan consists of fast pace walking; and a five minute fat blasters work every day of the week. I do know that adults should get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of aerobic physical activity every day; I want to incorporate that into my work out plan so I decided to start a Zumba class real soon.

I never expected to gain as much weight as I have and in my eyes it has become very unhealthy for me. My doctor has told me to add more of vitamin D supplements to my diet as well. I have begun the supplements and I can feel the vitamins helping, because I don't get the muscle spasms in my back and joints as much as did before I started the vitamin D supplements. So my overall goal is to lose about 30 to 35 pounds before this class is over, and I know that if I kept doing my excise and eating healthy I will be able to lose this weight. The reason why I'm so determine is because I have heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and different forms of cancers that runs in my family and I won't to be one of the last people in my family to get one of these diseases.



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