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Cognitive Process Consist of Problem Solving Process

Essay by   •  May 20, 2012  •  Study Guide  •  1,086 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,589 Views

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Cognitive process consist of

Problem Solving Process

Cognitive psychologists define problem solving as the process that people use when they are confronted with unfamiliar tasks. Simply stated, a problem is any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty or difficulty. Problem solving is a higher-level cognitive process that includes a variety of mental activities such attention, perception, memory, language and reasoning. It is a conscious, controlled process. Research has shown that problem solving is a cycle that includes the following phases, Recognize or identify the problem, Define the problem and determine its limits, develop a solution strategy, Organize knowledge about the problem, allocate and use the mental and physical resources needed to solve the problem, monitor progress toward the solution and last evaluate the solution for accuracy.

Problem Solving Process Study

Decision Making Process

Decision-Making is defined as a mental or computational activity implied by a necessity of a choice without yet either known criteria or known alternatives or with not sufficient information. Decision making is a recursive and incremental cognitive process. Its carrier is an intelligent entity/system/agent. Decision making is characterized by the necessity of a choice which requires a reasoning/inference capacity of the subject. It is performed on symbolic and sub-symbolic reasoning levels also known as conscious and unconscious for the decision-maker. Last decision making is a reasoning process which can be rational or irrational, and can be based on explicit or tacit assumptions.

Decision Making Process Study

Cognitive Process Remembering

Memory is a fundamental component of all mental processes--without it we cannot exist. Ehen an individual experiences gradually recovering of lost memories can shed some light on the cognitive mechanism underlying remembering process. Individuals easily remember the external frame of the lost memory. The second experience is the emergence of its internal frame. The third thing individuals do is recall its configuration, its rhythmic skeleton or its dynamic structure. Next the individual will sketch the memory by a gesture. The fifth thing that an individual will do is recall his or her evaluation of the person or his or her impression of the event they cannot remember. Next they will find the central object may emerge in a symbolic form. Last they will find the abortive first attempt to reconstruct the lost memory may contain an unconscious interpretation of the hidden event or the forgotten dream. Gradual remembering follows on the whole the path of verbal evolution. Trying to recapture lost memories he or she are compelled to make use of preverbal forms of mental elaboration and expression such as visual thinking, gesture language, symbols. At the same time, recovery of lost memories has much in common with the procedure of scientific discovery. Discovery could be considered as a paradoxical form of remembering: recovering the unknown. Scientific metaphors uncover ('remember') preconscious and unconscious knowledge. The next part will explore a study of memory.

Cognitive Neuroscience and the Study of Memory

Over the last century neuroscience has grown dramatically stimulated by two important developments. The first development is molecular biology which has transĀ¬formed cellular neurobiology and has led to a new



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