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Communication, the Easiest Way to Eliminate Media Violence on Children

Essay by   •  February 12, 2012  •  Essay  •  280 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,758 Views

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Communication, the Easiest Way to Eliminate Media Violence on Children

The idea that media violence may cause some people, particularly young people, to commit violence is not new. Moreover, the study which is published in the June issue of the journal Pediatrics shows that in a sample of 77 PG-13 rated films included a total of 2,251 violent actions, with almost half resulting in death of characters. (UCLA, 2007).

Generally, children watch an average of fours hours of television a day, so we cannot refuse that television can be a powerful influence in their behavior. However, the problem is most of today's TV program is violent, and children normally lack the ability to differentiate between fantasy and reality, so they may gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems.

What is the most effective way to eliminate this problem? There are many ways to deal with the media violence, but are they really effective? However, one of the most effective tools for combating the effects of media violence is communication such as talking to children about what they are watching; even watch it with them. With this method, children can differentiate whether what they are watching is good to imitate or not.

The purpose of this research is to survey parents of high school students about their opinion about media violence on children and tips to handle with it, ask them to notice how their children behave after watched some violent media, and suggest them to communicate and pay attention with their children about media's effect more than before. The result of this survey can be adapted to make a better way to reduce the media violence problem in the future.



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