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Driving Under the Influence: A Dangerous Choice Affecting So Many?

Essay by   •  September 15, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  989 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,424 Views

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Driving under the Influence: A Dangerous Choice Affecting So Many?

EC 315

Purpose Statement

"The dependent variable is fatalities in car accidents are determined by independent variables reckless driving, distracted while driving, driving under the influence, and weather conditions."

"The most important independent variable in this relationship is distracted driving because it causes the most deaths in car accidents."

Definition of Variables

"In 2010, 32,885 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in the United States--the lowest number of fatalities since 1949." (U.S. Department of Transportation , 2012) This number may be lowest in years but, there are still causes that can be pevented and if these are followed the death rate would be significant lowered. Distractions while driving, reckless drivng, driving under the influence, and severe weather conditions all lead to fatal car crashes. When examining the data regarding fatalites involving motor vehicles, adults and teenagers alike are affected as well as all make and models of vechicles. Each one of the variables listed above causes deaths and in each ther are preventive measures that can be taken, three of them can be 100% prevented.

"Driving is a skill that requires your full attention to safely control your vehicle and respond to events happening on the roads around you. Driving involves constant and complex coordination between your mind and body. Events or things that prevent you from operating your car safely are distractions. There are three types of distractions and they are anything that takes your: eyes off the road (visual) mind off the road (cognitive) hands off the steering wheel (manual)." (California Department of Motor Vehicles) Distracted drivers are the number one cause of fatal car accidnents in the United States,"in 2010 alone over 3,000 people were killed in distracted driving accidents". (NHTSA) Distractions while driving include; texting, cell phone use, eating and drinking, adjusting the radio and grooming yourself. These distractions lead to slower reaction time and less awarness of the surrodings leading to possibly fatal actions.

Reckless driving is when a person drives the car in a manner that does not pay attention to the rules of the road or takes regards for people's safety. Reckless driving can include speeding, racing, and failing to obey traffic signs cause a number of car accidents. Adults are not only the ones who are driving recklessly but teenagers also have a large number of accidents due to their reckless driving. When drivers take part in reckless behavior they are taking a conscious part in knowing there behavior is dangerous and can lead to injury and death.

"Driving under the influence is commonly called "drunk driving," it refers to operating a motor vehicle while one's blood alcohol content is above the legal limit set by statute, which supposedly is the level at which a person cannot drive safely." (Farflex ) Driving under the influence of alcohol is a major concern of the country because of the number of fatalities it causes every year that are 100% preventable. There are various organaztions that particpate every year in creating awarness around drinking and driving and trying



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