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Gender Identity

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Gender Identity

One significant difference between one's assigned gender and one's gender identity lies within their chromosome of male and female. Chromosome is X and Y cells they identifies the sex of the unborn child gender. Male chromosome is X and Y while female chromosome only carries the X chromosome (Rathus, Nevis, & Fichner-Rathus, (2011)). Let's say the sperm cell that enters the female is a Y chromosome cell this mean the child will be XY, and the child will be a male. If the sperm cell that enters the female is an X chromosome cell this mean the child will be a XX, and the child will be a female. Let's jump the gun in a female 7th week the sex of the unborn begins to show this will us if it's genetic code (XX or XY). Genes also play an important role in determining gender identity also. The SRY gene (sex determining region Y protein) causes an unborn to develop as a male. The SRY gene protein is only on the Y chromosome which is in the male chromosome (XY) (Assumpção, Benedetti, Maciel-Guerra , Guerra, Baptista, Scolfaro, de Mello MP., (Dec. 2002)). The existence or nonexistence of the Y chromosome will determine the sex of the unborn child. Since the female chromosomes are only X chromosomes all of the female's eggs will only be X chromosomes. The Male on the other hand have X and Y chromosomes so out of the millions of sperms that enter inside of the female each sperm carries one of the chromosomes. In other words this only means the male carries the true sex of the unborn fetus. Generally 25,000 genes are in an individual, but only 1 gene located on the Y chromosome which is the SRY gene (Assumpção, Benedetti, Maciel-Guerra , Guerra, Baptista , Scolfaro , de Mello MP., (Dec. 2002)). The SRY gene causes an unborn to develop as a male (Assumpção, Benedetti, Maciel-Guerra , Guerra, Baptista , Scolfaro , de Mello MP., (Dec. 2002)). The SRY gene protein is only on the Y chromosome which is in the male chromosome (XY) (Assumpção, Benedetti, Maciel-Guerra , Guerra, Baptista, Scolfaro , de Mello MP., (Dec. 2002)) it is a requirement for the male development (Assumpção, Benedetti, Maciel-Guerra , Guerra, Baptista, Scolfaro, de Mello MP., (Dec. 2002)). As mentioned the process will begin about in the 7th week. In this process if a Y chromosome is present, SRY is activated signaling production of the male hormone testosterone will develop (Meredith Corporation, Parents, (2012)). If there is no Y chromosome then the process of the XX chromosomes will take action and the development of a female will form (Meredith Corporation, Parents, (2012)).

As we identified true gender identity how a person's masculine and feminine traits are can be described. A person may have been born a male at birth, but feel more comfortable with feminine features. This means a person might have been assigned the XY chromosomes as a male, but their gender identity is feminine.

Today these people are considering as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) most people consider these people like an infection so they mainly kept it a secret from the other. On the other hand it was time to get things in the open in some men or other women who want to know about their sexuality decided to bring it out into the open for example in Frank Kameny he announce his homosexuality around 1957 or 1958 that he was gay and he stated "guy was good" Frank Kameny help with the LGBT Right Movement (Weil and Langer, (October 11, 2011)). Apart from a person's natural gender are their gender identity, gender roles, and gender stereotypes. The way person raised or nurture their child surrounding this is how a child's gender identity is molded. When a female gives



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