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Influence of Disruptive Student Behaviour upon Teacher Stress: Literature Review

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Essay Preview: Influence of Disruptive Student Behaviour upon Teacher Stress: Literature Review

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The influence of Disruptive Student Behaviour upon Teacher Stress and Burnout

Gerard Feltoe

Griffith University


This literature review presents research pertaining to disruptive student behaviour and teacher stress leading to burnout. Literature reviewed includes both international and Australian studies. Studies from the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Israel, Greece, Europe, Scandinavia and China are examined. International literature indicates higher levels of disruptive student behaviour than is reflected in Australian literature. Research has been sourced from both education and psychology publications in order to present a balanced research perspective. The literature supports the argument that disruptive student behaviour has a positive effect on teacher burnout. This review centres on the middle years of schooling though some research pertains to high school or secondary college. Directions for future research are suggested.


This review examines literature that reflects upon this group of students and the impact disruptive behaviour in the classroom can have upon teacher stress levels. The review was restricted to middle school students who attend mainstream classes. Disruptive behaviours can be more prevalent in this student population due to social and emotional issues that impact upon the individual's capacity to display socially acceptable behaviour. This review seeks to provide an examination of literature that explores the relationship between disruptive student behaviour, teacher stress and burnout.

The three main themes that have been explicated from the literature are: the nature of disruptive behaviour, adolescent development, and teacher stress and burnout. Recent research confirms earlier findings that classroom disruptive behaviour is a concern for teachers and can be a causal factor that impacts upon teacher stress, self-efficacy, and possible burnout. Most of the literature reviewed deals with the adolescent learner. Adolescence encompasses middle school aged students between the ages of twelve to fifteen. Students of this age commonly experience challenges in relation to psychological, emotional and physical development. These factors may cause anxiety and this can be reflected in behaviour that encroaches upon others. Subsequently, stress can be associated with teaching students of this age.

The Nature of Disruptive Behaviour

The context in which disruptive behaviour occurs is a significant factor when defining this behaviour (Beaman, Wheldall, & Kemp, 2007). If disruptive behaviour is defined from the perspective of the teacher, it encompasses the behaviours that teachers witness and how these behaviours impact upon their teaching and the learning process, rather than on the behaviours that cause difficulty for other students. On the other hand, if the perspective of definition is from that of the student, then less insight into what constitutes this form of behaviour is revealed. For the purposes of this review, a definition associated with teacher perception is preferred. This definition centres on what are commonly referred to as externalized behaviours (Alink, van Ijzendoorn, Bakermans-Kranenburg, Mesman, Juffer, & Koot, 2008). Externalized behaviours are a set of behaviours that can be observed in classrooms. Within this context, disruptive behaviour in the classroom is defined as "behaviour that seriously interferes with the teaching process, and/or seriously upsets the normal running of the classroom" (Lawrence, Steed, & Young, 1983,



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