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Job Performance Standards

Essay by   •  June 24, 2012  •  Essay  •  795 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,616 Views

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Job performance standards are very important for individuals to be successful on the job. These standards should be developed in a manner that allows for supervisors to gain valuable and accurate data on individuals. In all, these standards should be used to see strengths and weaknesses in individuals work performance. "As in the case with the development of predictors, the information obtained from the job analysis should serve as the basis for the development of the appropriate criterion measure" (Gatwood, Field, & Barrick, 2011).

There are four types of job performance measures and they are production data, HR personnel, training proficiency, and judgmental data. Production data focuses on the quality and/or quantity of output. It is directly related to the results of work done. It can be collected and understood easily and those two aspects together can make it a favorite amongst the different types of performance measures (Gatwood, Field, & Barrick, 2011).

HR personnel data reflects work behavior and this data is countable and objective (Gatwood, Field, & Barrick, 2011). Many variables that are used to gather this data ranges from turnovers, grievances, accidents and promotions (Gatwood, Field, & Barrick, 2011). Because these variables can use different measures and don't yield identical data for a group of workers, the concept must be evaluated and the most appropriate method to evaluate the concept must be developed.

Training proficiency is the measure of employee performance immediately following the completion of a training program. It is the least used performance measure, but it should be used more frequently (Gatwood, Field, & Barrick, 2011). This is because it is stated as a legally permissible criterion to use for measurement as stated in the Uniform Guidelines (Gatwood, Field, & Barrick, 2011). There are three basic measures that can be used to quantify training proficiency. The first is judgments made by the training instructor about the trainees. The second measure uses scores on a paper-and-pencil test. The third method uses the score on a work sample test (purpose is to replicate the major tasks of a job) (Gatwood, Field, & Barrick, 2011).

The last type of performance measure is judgmental data. This is where an individual familiar with the work of another is required to judge their work and this is usually obtained by using a rating scale with numerical values (Gatwood, Field, & Barrick, 2011). Because judgmental data is the opinion of an individual, it should be done by individuals who are very knowledgeable of the skills/job being assessed. There are different types of judgmental instruments and they are trait rating scales, simple behavioral scales, BARS or BES and CARS (Gatwood, Field, & Barrick, 2011). Bias is the main problem that stems from judgmental data, but it can be avoided through the training of supervisors (Gatwood,



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