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Maximillian De Robespierre

Essay by   •  July 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,358 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,697 Views

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Maximilian De Robespierre, a slight, a respectable and enigmatic person, famously known as Robespierre, is regarded as the much controversial and, according to most of the sources, amongst the most strongly debated persons of the modern history. He was born in 1958 in Arras, a northern area of France. He was the student of law and became a provincial lawyer at the young age of 21. During his days of practicing law he distinguished himself by becoming a strong supporter of the poor and also by raising voice for their rights. Since his practice days he started calling for political change in France and, in the coming days, it became the favorite cause of his. It was in the pursuit of this cause and lifetime happiness that, some years later, he decided to move to Paris. In this connection, he a sort of volunteered himself for the cause and became a member of the Estates General in March 1789. An interesting fact to be taken into account is that he did so while representing the Third Estate, though he himself belonged to the middle class, who was on the rise in France at that time, and he could have easily secured a much better position in the hierarchy by not doing so. The every first thing that he took on with was that he strongly advocated 'the right to vote' for everyone, with no discrimination for none. It was the very right that had long been demanded by the thinkers and denied by the rulers. It was in line with the Rousseau's slogan of 'pure democracy' or, so to speak, 'direct democracy', where everybody, including clergy, aristocracy, middle class and even poor could equally participate and represent in the political system of the country. He is considered to be the co-author of the much famous 1791 civil document, 'Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen'. It provided the basis and the foundation of the French constitution. It is also provided the evidence that the French still cherish the memories of the French Revolution, as "Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen" that came on 26th August 1791, in 1946 it was made a part of French constitution when 4th Republic was written. He decided to join the Jacobins club, which had a significant place to enjoy in the political fabric of the country, and became an active and dominant member of the same over the period of a short term. It was during his presence in the Jacobins club that many other clubs, through out France, got linked to the club and it changed its character from liberal and accommodative to radical and rigid. Under his command that, in the coming days, Jacobins club had got to play a significant role in deciding the fate of the France and the French, both politically and militarily. He undoubtedly changed the nature and the fabric of the Jacobins club up side down. He, alongside others, forced the King to sign the laws which not only curtailed the previously unquestionable authority of the constitutional monarch of the country but also restricted his restricted his practice of exercising arbitrarily the powers assigned to him and, much more than that, favored to poor. He was the first one to forward the demand for turning France into a 'Republic', from that of a constitutional monarchy. Robespierre also favored the dissolution of the Constitutional Assembly and also argued that aint no member of the assembly should contest or show up for the next elections. It was due to this move that, afterwards, France saw itself on the endless slipper slope of radicalization. At this stage, realizing his struggle for the cause and popularity with the poor people of France, Robespierre was titled as 'Public prosecutor'. Robespierre is also alleged as the orchestrator of the much controversial and impactful 'Paris mob' and subsequent 'Paris Massacres' of September 1792, in which thousands of the innocent people were killed. It was against this backdrop that he resigned from his membership of the assembly. When the elections happened another group, called Girondins, took over the reigns of the French government. They



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