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Natural Disaster and Decision That Follows

Essay by   •  December 18, 2013  •  Essay  •  557 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,677 Views

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Natural Disaster and decision that follows

Problem Definition:

The exposure or the chance of loss (of lives, persons injured, property damaged and economic activity disrupted) due to a particular hazard for a given area and reference period. Natural disasters include floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes.In case of a disaster event, there are several effects, such as humanitarian effects, including the loss of lives and persons injured; ecological effects among other damage to ecosystems; and economic effects, comprising different effects on the economy. National disaster effects can be caused by the disaster itself or by follow-on, directly or indirectly.

Justification for Problem Definition:

These events are unpredictable, can strike with minimal warning, and often may not afford any means to protect facilities which in turn cause huge damages. Florida's worst hurricane season in history caused an estimated $40 billion in damage. Many companies are vulnerable to disasters, in the hurricanes' wake, Nationwide Insurance received more than 119,000 claims, collectively worth $850 million, in return "Pulling out was a sound business decision" then. Most firms lack an effective business planning. Studies have found 40% to 80% of unprepared firms may fail soon after a "major" event. There are steps companies can take to help mitigate the risk of a disaster.

List of Alternatives:

1- Awareness

2- Planning and prevention

3- Response

1- Awareness

With good knowledge, the public understands the need for preparation and risk reducing measures. Governments, the private sector and the media build awareness of risks and risk-mitigation principles at national, regional, and community levels. Schools play an important role. Children from a young age must understand the perils to which their communities are exposed and the appropriate response behaviors. Education in the community is required to ensure that awareness building continues in adult life. The media run long-term campaigns on regional natural catastrophe risks, highlighting the benefit of resilience and risk pooling measures.

2- Planning and prevention

Planning and prevention require long lead times, especially for physical resilience projects. These large-scale projects and local community response plans are both important to community awareness. Coordinating these measures to ensure effectiveness and efficient use of funds requires a central government figure called



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