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Virtual Theory, Utilitarianism, & Deontological Ethics

Essay by   •  February 13, 2012  •  Essay  •  503 Words (3 Pages)  •  12,262 Views

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Virtual Theory, Utilitarianism, & Deontological Ethics

Ethics is a study of what is the action f man. It also is the study of right and wrong in human life. There are many different types of ethics. In this paper each of the following tree ethical theories utilitarianism, Virtue, and Deontological will be described relating to ethics and morality. Each ethics has things alike and many differences, but they are all exciting. Concluding with a personal experience with which the relationship between virtue, values, and moral concepts.

Virtue Theory is a theory that emphasizes that role of character and virtue in moral philosophy rather than doing one's duty or action in order to bring about good consequences (Athanassoui, 2010). Utilitarianism is held to the views that the right actions are the actions that produce the good in the person. When the right action is completed there are always consequences for any action that is prostrated. Deontogical places a special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions (Britannica Encyclopaedia, 2001).

With all the different ethics there are good and bad in each one. The best way to understand the ethics is to put you in the position of each one.

The similarities between each ethics can make then seems made as one. Virtue Ethics determine the good and bad trait of each person. Value of the action determination the value of character traits which is Virtue Ethics. Utilitarianism holds almost the same ethics values, which is to find the good in the person action. The bad state if reason is for existing to avoid the problems. The Deontological ethics action is morally good because of some action of that the product of the action is good not bad. Deontological ethics holds acts that are morally obligatory of their consequences for human actions.

The difference between each ethics is there is difference that can make then seem much more exciting than they really are. Utilitarianism is morality is the result of an act that focuses on the consequence. The greatest amount of happiness is for the number of people, which is a moral act of Utilitarianism. For the best thinking and doing to achieving the benefits is to give the best attitude for the best results. Virtue ethics is the identity or the character of a person not the actions of the person. Virtues have certain characteristics that define it. One actions reflex the person morality, which is what make up the person attitudes. Deontological ethics judges the morality of actions through the rules of the Deontological ethics. Deontological is rules and duties.




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