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Amending the 26th Amendment

Essay by   •  August 22, 2013  •  Essay  •  449 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,242 Views

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Amending of the 26th Amendment

Over the last few years, many states have explored the option of extending rights of sixteen and seventeen year olds to vote. They argue that since young people are allowed to work at the age of sixteen, it is considered to be taxation without representation. Supporters also argue that lowering the voting age will establish an early habit of voting in our population. The reasons not to extend voting rights, however, far surpass the benefits.

It is highly doubtful that the accuser of taxation without representation about minors and adults being taxed equally dared to think about sales tax. With almost any purchase, there is a tax on it. So if a six year old were to go buy ice cream and if there was a tax on it, would that be considered 'taxation without representation'? If so, then a majority of our nation's population should be granted suffrage. Which not to mention, would be damaging to our economy because of the expenses, and simply unreasonable.

Up until 1971, the national voting age was 21; Amendment 26 was passed to lower the age to eighteen to allow the younger soldiers participating in the Vietnam War to have an opportunity to vote on the issues. In other words, people have the right to vote on what they're fighting for. At the moment, people are not permitted to enroll into the army if they are under the age of eighteen. This is an example of sixteen year olds having the ability to influence policy, if we allow them to vote, but protecting them from the ramifications (or implications or consequences of the vote) since they are not able to serve in the armed forces.

Lastly, sixteen year olds are protected against the implications of specific candidates winning or losing. In other words, minors are not in comparison as impacted by unemployment, healthcare, or other issues as an adult would be. As a protected class of individuals, sixteen and seventeen year old may be swayed to vote for issues or candidates that could negatively impact our society or the interests of educated citizens.

According to Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), the roughly 9 million sixteen and seventeen year old Americans would not phase what the votes would have been without them; so, why make a dramatic change if it is not needed. Overall if minors between the ages of sixteen and seventeen can not marry without the permission of a parent, can only drive with restrictions, and are learning the basics of voting in high school, then how can America depend on them to make nation wide changes and decisions.



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