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Bureaucracy Concept

Essay by   •  December 6, 2011  •  Essay  •  391 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,697 Views

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Bureaucracy Concept:

When addressing the word bureaucracy to our minds, jump in front of our eyes to various forms, is in many offices and staff more and leaves accumulated a good number of people seeking service are trying one way or another they have been the complicated procedures that dictate them to have access to the requested service. Is this the true meaning of the bureaucracy? In order to answer this question must be exposed to the meaning of bureaucracy verbal and functional and intended in the first. And then describe the second meaning.

The verbal meaning of Bureaucracy:

This word is divided into two parts Bureuu and meaning in the Office of the European languages, Cracy and meaning strength or power, and be a total power of the Word in the Office, or Department through the Bureau.

Meaning the Bureaucratic career:

The German scientist Max Weber is defines the word bureaucracy to launch a model official, or the so-called administrative management optimization of devices in the modern state and that organization, pursuant to which the administrative work and is in essence on the basis of specialization and division of labor and multiple functions.

In short, Max Weber believed that bureaucratic organization is based on the following basis:

1. Division of work and functional specialization and distribution business on staff the official stable static manner.

2. Clear lines of authority through the hierarchy and Division of management to the levels of a hierarchy Hierarchy where higher-level oversees the activities of the lower levels.

3. A system of meritocracy in recruitment and promotion of workers and staff behavior watching organization's career until the end, and as management profession need for rehabilitation and training, with the rule of formal relations away from emotions and bias.

4. The existence of rules and instructions specific to the workflow, characterized by comprehensiveness and generality.

5. Interesting documentation and records management and preservation of documents.

6. Salaries and fair compensation for workers.

7. Strict separation between work and personal life in order to avoid any overlap and impact on functionality and organizational.

1 - Dr. Abdul Karim Darwish and Dr. Leila Takla, the origins of public administration, the Anglo-Egyptian Library, p. 207

2 - Dr. Abdul Karim Darwish and Dr. Leila Takla, the former references p. 208 and Dr. Mohammad Said Abdel-Fattah, General Administration, Office of Modern Egyptian, p. 66.



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