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Children: Past and Present

Essay by   •  December 28, 2011  •  Essay  •  744 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,225 Views

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Children: Past and Present

It's said that nothing lasts forever except change. People cannot negotiate the change because change comes naturally. As time goes by, people change in a bad or a good way. The changes including their characteristics, their behaviour, their vision and way of living a life. It also happens to the children's life, the time we live as a child is certainly different with how children's life now. I find several differences between the year when I was a child and the children nowadays. Now, I will explain the differences.

First, the differences between past children and present children are the toys and games. When I was a child I used to play some games that need physically move such as petak umpet, kotak pos, benteng, layangan, tapak bulan and so on. So, it could make the children not to lazy to move their body. Moreover, those games need more than three people to play together because it would be boring to play such games with just a few people. As a result, they usually gathered in a one place and they could be close to each other. Now, many children have their own game gadget. They often do not need a friend to accompany them in playing games on their gadget because they can play it by themselves. They can stay for hours in front of the gadget screen without feeling bored although there are no friends around. It can make children more individualistic because they will think that they do not friends to play together.

Children in the past and in the present also have a different kind of entertainment like cartoon and music. Around the year of 2000, I used to watch cartoons in the morning of Sundays. I really enjoyed watching some kind of cartoons such as Doraemon, Dragon Balls and so on. But, television channels now have fewer cartoons for children. Now, when I turn on the television in the Sunday mornings, I rarely find cartoons on the television yet there are so many music programs with so many adult bands singing love songs which are set for adults, not for children. I miss watching "Tralala Trilili", or "Dunia Anak" that showed us so many kids singing songs like "Naik-naik ke Puncak Gunung" or "Bintang Kecil". Children tend to sing adults songs instead of singing kids' songs now, whereas kids' songs can help children to be more imaginative. For example, read the lyric of "Bintang Kecil" song: "Bintang kecil di langit yang luas, amat banyak menghias angkasa", by hearing this song, children can imagine how beautiful the sky is when so many stars up there.

The next difference lies in the way they get information. Children nowadays are might be smarter than children in the past. They can access so many information through internet meanwhile children in the past were not even be able to operate a computer. It has both of positive and negative impact. The positive



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