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Context of Beeline Vn's Business Strategy

Essay by   •  November 6, 2011  •  Case Study  •  382 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,170 Views

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I. Context of Beeline VN's business strategy.

Every successful company in the world notices about building their own missions, visions, values, goals first when they start the business. It will not only be the lodestar for the internal stakeholders to follow but also creating the external and connected stakeholders' awareness and impressions about the company to support. From the website we can access to see their missions, visions, values and goals prospectively.

1. Vision: "To become a leading, world class service provider in Vietnam"

In can be briefly evaluate that this is short vision but not converge all the requirement of a good vision. In the vision, Beeline VN does not mention about the time although this is a long term vision and secondly it also unspecific (which kind of service Beeline want to provide in Vietnam?).

2. Missions: "We aim to help people to delight in the pleasure of communication as well as always feel free anytime and anywhere."

After identifying vision, Beeline claims their mission statement to support and achieve vision. To provide the world class service provider, Beeline focus on the people satisfaction in communicating with each other by making the network always available at anytime and anywhere, whereas the 3 giants (Mobile phone, Vina phone, Viettel) often face with this problem especially at the end of the year (Lunar New Year holiday).

A clear and realizable mission statement often includes 9 components and rarely a company may include all of them when they state their mission. For now, only Dell mission statement meets that requirement. However, Beeline VN is a customer- oriented service, so that it maintains only the business philosophy and somehow it implies the market which is Vietnamese telecommunication market. Beeline VN's philosophy is caring the customer satisfaction in the communication aspect. The customers, products and services, markets, technology, concern for survival, growth and profitability, self-concept, concern for public image and concern for employees are not mentioned in the mission statement. In the business aspect, it hardly be called a good mission statement but it is short and attractive in the customer mind when they see the only thing Beeline concern is their satisfaction (customer is the King). Thus, to operate more sufficient, Beeline VN's internal stakeholders will have to work base on all the contexts of the business strategy, not only from the mission.



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