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Deontological and Teleological Theories with Reference to Philosophical Antecedents

Essay by   •  April 22, 2013  •  Research Paper  •  1,279 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,974 Views

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Criteria P1

Explain deontological and teleological theories with reference to philosophical antecedents

* Explain deontological and teleological theories with examples.

* Apply deontological, teleological theories and other schools of thoughts to the scenario and select one that is most justifiable.

Explain deontological and teleological theories with examples.

Deontological Theory

A theory that shows's the inherited nature of moral of an action which determines the moral qualities of that particular action. The word "Deos" mean "duty" in Greek this theory is mostly concerned with loyalty with your work, morals etc.

As most of the deontologists would convey that killing one person for saving 5 peoples is unethical (wrong) because it is not our duty to kill, "Immanuel Kant" one of the best supporters of deontological theories formulated the definite essential and said that intention is important but for an action moral is originating for a good resolve.

Taking the example that killing one man to save five other men is wrong as most deontologists would say. Because this theory show/tell the morals that peoples have to adopt, this theory say that killing is killing which is morally wrong weather what ever the circumstances are, simply taking life of an another human being is totally wrong.

Teleological Theory

A theory that determines the end result of different moral qualities for an action. The word "Telos" means "end" or "goal" in Greek theory mostly concerned with assess of human action preferring their causality or their final ends. This kind of theory highlights the conception of doing goodwill as a source of moral values.

"J.S. Mill" said that the outcome of the action is important he said that a moral action is defined as which produce the right and ethical result. For example killing for person to save five other lives is considered morally right, so it means that a teleological would say that teleology is a method of saying that the "End justify the means"

So teleology is way in which a person does the right thing weather it is wrong from deontological point of view, because if not killing that one person can also lead you to harm those other five people as well your own life.

Apply deontological, teleological theories and other schools of thoughts to the scenario and select one that is most justifiable

Deontological Theory Scenario Base

As a deontologist would say that wrong is wrong falling moral rules are important from deontological point of view helping a friend on his/her any problem through making some black money from the organization your working in is truly wrong because as peoples do have a relation with their friends and family but they also have a relation with their work place and there are some morals and respect in the workplace I work in. so making black money is totally wrong.

Teleological Theory Scenario Base

In teleological theory they say killing one person to save five people is doing a right thing, but in this scenario base case making black money by registering companies and charging high prices and using that money for helping your friend in a critical time is ethical considering theological theory. Because human principles say to save a human life is more important then letting him/her die.

The Divine Command Theory Scenario Base

The Divine Command Theory say's that the suitability of any action made by a person depends upon that action that has being executed because it is a responsibility, not because of any good consequences take place from that action. So according to this theory helping the friend is more important then breaking the trust and belief on you form the organizational head.

Ethical Egoism Theory Scenario Base

Ethical egoism theory only see the self interest which lemmatizes our judgment to our own norm and values and the person act for his own self interest. Taking scenario as and example



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