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E-Commerce at Amazon.Com

Essay by   •  July 13, 2011  •  Essay  •  651 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,099 Views

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With the globalizing of trade and lifting of trade barriers and the internet virtual space conquering almost all parts of the world including all activities' commerce has become a specialized activity and a special experience too. Almost everything is traded online. Books are most targeted at in buying and selling is the biggest e commerce site for buying and selling books online.

Advantages: the experience that one gets while looking at the wide range of books itself is an experience. The buyer need not go from place to place and from book shop to shop hunting for the books that he needs. Everything is available with the click of the mouse. The only thing that one needs to know is the name of the book. Many are not familiar with the ISBN number so the books buying and selling search engines are mostly by name. The buying procedures are very simple and secure. One needs to have a Pay Pal or a credit card number to buy books. A buyer can select to buy new books or old books or used books as they are called. If they are old books the condition of the book is also described .this helps the buyer in deciding the book that he wants to buy. Almost all books are available and if not a request can be made online to arrange for the book. The web site allows you to place an order and get the book shipped to your residence without the buyer even having to move an inch. All this is available at a cost but the cost is very less when compared to the hassle of going to book shop and hunting for books. Another very important advantage is that one gets to view an entire range of books by all authors and publications too

Disadvantages: the buying and selling of books online is at a cost that many are unaware of. In many cases the used books that are sold have to be usually shipped to the nearest office or would be picked up and sold. There is a cost attached to this. Further more if a person needs to sell he needs to register it and a part of the proceeds go to the intermediary which is the web site. There are a lot of hackers who deal with unscrupulous online practices and it is very difficult to nab them. We may buy a book but the guarantee of it reaching the doorstep may be rare though these e commerce sites do speak of security. They protect us till the books are shipped after that the responsibility is ours. Another disadvantage is we do not know the book that reaches us is the same what wee have ordered for because one does not get to see the book.

If books were downloaded online then Amazon will lose a lot of business as every one will start downloading the book. For purposes of this Amazon .com has a membership fee depending upon the books that need to be downloaded and based on many other criteria. These charges are usually very high. Every one would like a free resource. if things were available free than all these e commerce sites would just go out of business. Hence which survives on buying and



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