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Health Safety Program Management - Case for Critical Analysis

Essay by   •  June 24, 2011  •  Case Study  •  599 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,348 Views

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Case for Critical Analysis Ch. 18

1. Although I believe that Lincoln's management approach is diverse, it most closely follows a hierarchical control approach. I think that Lincoln puts some responsibility onto the employees, but still relies on task-related jobs that are governed by policies. Lincoln also places an emphasis on performance and meeting company goals and criteria. These goals, I believe to be instituted, are to influence the behavior of the workers to be more efficient, positive, and meet demands. Their actions dictate their consequences, or in the company's case, final bonuses and pay increase. Some things that Lincoln emphasizes, while still using control methods, are trust, shared responsibility, and an open-door policy for ALL members of the company. They have been able to successfully set a hierarchy and still pull from a decentralized approach system.

2. I think that the United States is a strong and individualistic country. The culture of many Americans promotes individualism, equality, hard-work, and the "dream." The "dream" that any manufacture worker, through discipline and persistence, could move up the corporate ladder and become managers and executives. From this case study, Lincoln Electric at least paints the picture that growth and hard-work are rewarded. Just as the employees are required to meet demands, the company also seems to provide bonuses and stock options to its staff. Let's be honest, most Americans are also motivated by money. Lincoln Electric and its employees meet company and personal goals through their relationship that focuses on all these factors. The culture of the company is fairly consistent with an average American.

3. Much of the problem with Lincoln's management system overseas is that it does not make sense or represent the cultures of the other nations. Japan, for instance, is traditionally a culture that works towards the collective good and the people primarily remain in the same social status their entire lives and are less motivated by monetary gains. Not all countries live the "hustle and bustle" life styles that Americans do: increasing sales or working harder to possibly gain bonuses may not be consistent with the core values of non-Americans. In order for the company to work I think that the management system needs to be re-organized based on the demands of the company and the individual country itself. There needs to be both American and non-American managers working overseas, at least initially, to create a good working environment. Although the management system in the United States provides a basis to work from, analysis will show that the future of international manufacturing requires a new system that focuses on the values of the country and its economy as well.

4. First off, the success of the company (for now) relies on its production in America. Because the



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