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Indian oneidas and Mythology

Essay by   •  April 27, 2011  •  Essay  •  656 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,169 Views

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Mythology has been a part of north eastern Oneida Indians since the earliest of their tribes were formed. Families pass on from generation to generation stories of mythical gods, warriors, and tradition. Their belief in mythology can be seen in every aspect of their lives. Their family structure, belief system, and bond with their surrounding environment are all derived directly from their mythological beliefs. The Oneida Indians are shamanistic, believing that spirits are everywhere and in everything. In the rocks that serve as the foundation of their fires, to the trees that they use for everything from shelter to canoes. The Oneidas are very spiritual people in tune with nature and all living things.

Since the N.E Indians believe that there are spirits in everything, they are very resourceful people. It is their belief that the spirits are in the wind and trees, echoing from rocks and animals, and surrounding them in the air. Because of this belief they worship their surroundings and give thanks to all things. They are a people who hold stead fast to the idea that this great earth is here to live off of and to give back to, not abuse and take advantage of. From the rocks they carve to make weapons, to the feather headdresses used during tribe rituals, they use everything around to the best of their advantage. They understand that recourses can become scarce if overused or mistreated, and often hold ceremonies honoring the wind, rain, and sunshine.

The Oneida Indians were farmers and felt they owed all of their bounty to the well fertilized earth, the spirit of rain, and the hard work and dedication of the generation of farmers before them. They had

Oneida Indians worship, and share stories of many different mythical gods and characters. Three of the most important figures in Oneida Mythology are the "Sky Woman", and her twin grandsons, the good and bad spirit. Oneida Indians believe that the Sky woman fell from a hole in the sky and died while in childbirth. But with this tragedy her body fertilized the ground and created life. Her grandsons, like the balance of good and evil in Christianity, represent two different extremes. The good spirit is believed to create peace and prosperity to the tribe, while the bad spirit represents their demons and misfortune. To the Oneida Indians, they were the birth of good and evil.

Another very popular folklore that is dated back through centuries or their tribe's history is the story of "The Warrior Maiden." It is the story of a young girl, Aliquipiso, that at a time of hardship and despair for her entire tribe, heard the voice of their great spirit guiding her to free her people from the invading Mangos. The Mangos are a group of savages that burned their villages, and crops, killed their men and boys, and kidnapped and abused the most important members of Oneida Indian families, their patriarchs. Aliquipiso heard the Great Spirit tell her to go



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