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Is Civilization an Effective Organizational Tool for Studying History?

Essay by   •  July 11, 2018  •  Essay  •  289 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,290 Views

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Is civilization an effective organizational tool for studying history? Why were people willing to give up the nomadic lifestyle for a more settled existence? How did location play a vital role in the development of early societies?

Civilization is certainly one of the most important and effective organizational tools for studying history since it allows us to explore how humans are to this day. It also allows us to see how we survived million years ago.

When you live a nomadic lifestyle you take a risk that when you move to a new place that there might be no resources needed to survive like food and water. A settled existence allows people to become adopted to the environment they are in. It is safer to stay in one place rather than live an unstable nomadic life. The location where you lived determined your future as a society and growing civilization. For example, you wanted to live somewhere near a water source so you could have water nearby for when you need it.

There are a many benefits of transitioning to sedentary agricultural civilizations considering that sedentary agricultural civilizations allows for a settled existences as it provides proper and stability in terms of foods; also, in this type of civilizations, it's a cooperation with both females and males; the issue that raised with this is the whole issue of the weather as in if a drought or flood occurs and ruins the entire area's crops and main source of food. Moreover, the costs of hunter and gathering was that it was difficult in having a stable home and shelter; often times, there may be scarcity in food, depending on how well the hunting and gathering went,



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