Is It Easy to Stay Healthy These Days?
Essay by Vanessa Tiffany • May 24, 2017 • Essay • 613 Words (3 Pages) • 2,022 Views
Is It Easy to Stay Healthy these days?
Health is a hot discussion topic these days. Everyone is concerned about it. Many believe that health can influence our lives. With the help of advanced technologies and healthy lifestyle, we can easily stay healthy and extend our life span.
Advanced technologies help people to search an information about health. People make more technology. People make more technology and gadget to make our life easier and help up stay healthy. These days, people have more information and sources than people from previous centuries. Media has a powerful influence to us. Hearing the same key words help us to motivate ourselves to stay healthy. Friends and family can also help motivate us to stay healthy. Staying healthy and eating right is a lifestyle that many people should consider. The society today is busy and on the go at all times. It is so much easier to stop and get fast food and then continue on. Healthy lifestyle can cost a lot or less money, it all depends on us. We can get a healthy lifestyle that cost a little money by exercise ourselves or independently at home, eat all healthy food and keep track on our lifestyle using a free application on your phone. Studies have shown, people that eat right and exercise live longer. Eating a healthy food can help boost our immune systems, help us to maintain a healthy weight and can improve our overall health. There are easy ways to make adjustment in our eating habits by always eat breakfast, never skip meals, and eat snack can be a great way to keep appetite in check throughout the day. Snack can stop mindless eaters and those who eat for comfort. Some people are willing to spend their money to keep them healthy. They pay a gym with a personal trainer and pay a catering that serve healthy food to them. When one exercises and eats good foods then they also physically feel great. If people would realize what a great feeling a person gets from working out and eating healthy foods, then everyone would be doing it. It is a lifestyle that people should adopt and live by.
All the information we have about health helps us stay healthy. And media is a good way for people to start to take care their health. Trends help people to keep themselves healthy. I always look up information on the internet when there is something wrong or unusual with my health. Good habits also influence our health. My mother always teaches me to eat more fruits and vegetable and now doing so has become a habit to me. We need other people to support us and help motivate us. Some people need to have someone to motivate them to help them stay healthy. But before other people help us, we should have a willing point of view. For me, I’m the type of person that needs a friend to accompany me to a gym and exercise with. I have a desire to exercise, but when there is no friend to motivate and accompany me then all of my desire are useless. The major cause