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Ldr 531 - Leadership Approach Paper

Essay by   •  August 24, 2013  •  Research Paper  •  580 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,579 Views

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Leadership Approach Paper


Studying Leadership Trait Approach

Leadership is implementing a process that influences others to agree on and contribute to a common goal that requires all involved to accomplish said goals according to Yukl (2010). There are multiple major approaches that research the types of variables that are most important when dealing with effective leadership including the characteristics of followers, leaders and situations. The trait leadership approach theory explores confidence, influence tactics, integrity and optimism to name a few examples. Follower characteristics include job satisfaction and trust. Some situation characteristics are uncertainty within the work environment, the organization's culture, and the structure of tasks. The trait leadership approach defines the weaknesses and strengths that are found in a given organization.

Characteristic traits of a successful leader help to determine how to define trait theory leadership. Crucial leadership traits consist of installment isolation, recruitment and the right to uphold positions of leadership. The trait leadership approach focuses on leader attributes such as motives, personality, skills and values. The trait theory's strength is best understood when realizing leadership effectiveness and behavior contribute to the make-up of the theory. (Yukl, 2010).

Specific trait theory strengths are as follows:

1. Technical skill

2. Friendliness

3. Task motivation

4. Application to Task

5. Group Task Supportiveness

6. Social Skill

7. Emotional Control

8. Administrative Skill

9. General Charisma

10. And Intelligence (Management Consulting 2011).

Many times, traits should not be used as an indicator of behavior. During a test or assessment, an individual's scores may reflect possession of a given trait, but realistically, the individual's decisions and leadership may not be reflected if put into the same scenarios presented during the test/assessment in daily situations. The trait theory gives no explanation as to why or how traits exist in an individual's personality or how these characteristics develop or emerge (Yukl, 2010). These dispositions are broad and with its main focus on individuals since group output cannot be determined.

The information collected helps to identify the trait theory data objective. The data



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