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Michael Levin's the Case for Torture

Essay by   •  December 12, 2012  •  Essay  •  279 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,501 Views

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Torture remains prevalent throughout Michael Levin's "The Case For Torture." "There are situations in which torture is not merely permissible but morally mandatory" (¶2) states Levin. Torture also remains consistent throughout the film "Taken," produced by Luc Besson. "But millions of lives surely outweigh constitutionality" (¶4) illustrates that if breaking the law on torturing saves lives, then it needs to be done. Levin uses death as a factor for torture. For example, if a terrorist hides an atomic bomb and does not tell where it is hidden, then the terrorist should be tortured to death. To certain people, torture might be extreme; however, to Levin mass murder comes off far more barbaric. In the film "Taken" the torture ends with death. Liam tortures a guy who works for the kidnapper of his daughter and other young girls. To find the kidnapper, Liam puts the guy in an electrical chair and every time he did not answer he got electrocuted. After at least three times of being electrocuted the guy finally confessed but at the end still died. The outcome the guy faced can relate to Levin's idea of Idealism. In "Taken" the guy knew the risk he faced but still continued to work with the kidnapper. "But the terrorist knowingly initiated his actions..." (¶9) illustrates that the terrorist knew what he was doing was wrong but still carried on with them. Levin reveals that the terrorist should accept the consequences at the end; even if it has to be torture. Just like Levin feels that torture saves those who would die at the hands of kidnappers or terrorist, Besson portrays torture to save a daughter from a kidnapper.



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