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Psb 3002 - Network Communication

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Molly McDonald

PSB 3002

Dr. Whitten

19 February 2011

Network Communication

Within the brain is a tight network of systems that communicate between each other. Together these connections calculate and produce messages for the mind and body to yield appropriate behaviors in response to the received outside stimuli. Precise areas of the brain are wired to take in certain motivations. These charges are sent to one section of the brain processed through another part and then sent to the nervous system to be performed. Many of these calculations never leave the mind and are kept nestled within the mind as memories. The brain is so strictly put together that there is one exact area that keeps and processes new memories and another area that opens and padlocks older memories. As we function throughout the day our five senses are consistently bringing in new information for the brain to analyze. Together with the five senses and with the brain and nervous system communication we are internally acquiring and externally creating experience. Many different parts of the brain come into play when processing the stimuli from being at a concert. Specific portions of the brain are sending fast acting messages to the nervous system that produce the fine movements of dancing and when giving a speech on the experience of dancing at a concert the brain once again is communicating between specific areas to perform the action of reciting a speech.

Life is experienced through our five senses and each of the five senses are linked to a specific portion of the brain that uploads and processes the stimuli, this accumulative processing receives and equally creates our personal perception of experience. Take being at a concert for example, stimuli is all over the place. From the visual experience of the stage show, to the smells that are flowing through the air, we feel air all around us, if we buy concessions our mind is taking in the flavors, but most people are at a concert to indulge in the sounds of symphony created by the musicians. There are three specific areas working together to develop the experience of hearing your favorite band create the sounds that make you sing out loud and move. The primary target that processes the music and singing is the temporal lobe. Within the left temporal lobe is a specialized area for comprehending language. The ears receive the auditory stimuli originally as vibration these frequencies are sent from the ear drum to the primary auditory cortex within the temporal lobe. In the posterior portion of the Temporal lobe is the Wernicke's area, this is where sound is associated into language. From the Wernicke's area these language associations are sent to the parietal lobe where the vibrations are processed sound by sound and form words. These sounds are comprehended and processed into thoughts that create the experience of listening to a live performance at a concert. As the temporal lobe and parietal lobe are processing the sounds and communicating the sounds to your consciousness as language, the thalamus, cerebellum and the precentral gyrus within the frontal lobe of the brain are all rhythmically in unison with each other enabling a specific portion of the nervous system to send messages to the muscles and produce dancing movements.

The thalamus collects the sensory stimuli from the concert and sends out the collection of musical stimuli to the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex communicates the symphony into messages to be read by the corpus callosum and the anterior commissure through fast acting axons. After the cerebral cortex processes the rhythmic stimuli the information is then returned to the thalamus. When this energy of sound is collected the body begins the desire to move in synchronized motion to the music. The primary motor cortex or precentral gyrus is located within the frontal lobe and is specialized in the control of fine motor movements. The frontal lobe has a multitude of dendritic spines, this excess of dendrites helps to process the enormous amount of information being received. The thalamus sends out the processed information and puts it to work through the precentral gyrus.



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