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Reflection Paper Conflict Management

Essay by   •  August 9, 2015  •  Case Study  •  3,447 Words (14 Pages)  •  2,173 Views

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Reflection Paper Conflict Management

Table of Contents-

Page numbers listed by running header.

  1. Critical Thought and Perception                                                Page 3
  2. Problem Solving                                                                Page 3 - 4
  3. Reporting Inferring and Judging                                                Page 4 - 5        
  4. Using Your Judgement for Personal and Organizational Issues                Page 5
  5. Active Listening                                                                Page 5 - 6
  6. Argument                                                                        Page 6
  7. Analyzing Conflict                                                                    Page 7
  8. Working Through Conflict                                                        Page 7 - 8
  9. The Communication Process                                                        Page 8  
  10. Positive Language and Negotiation                                                Page 8 - 9
  11. Summary                                                                        Page 9
  12. References                                                                        Page 10

Critical Thought and Perception

This topic began our journey through this class. I think I did well in this category. My thought process tends to lean towards the factual and logical. The exercise in the first week showed me that I can look at a situation and see the viewpoint of different sides and perspectives. The follow up questions gave me more to think about. It isn’t just about seeing the sides of a disagreement of an issue. It is about actually looking into both sides and to build an understanding of what each perspective is. I can find out about an issue that is occurring and get both sides of the story. But does this really give me an understanding of both sides? It is up to me to dig in and gain that knowledge. One of the things I enjoyed was looking at alternative points of view. This truly does cause one to step back and put in some critical thought. It is important not to jump to conclusions based on preconceived ideas. Everyone’s point of view is valid. If you do not take the time to listen to the other side of something, you will remain clueless as to why someone feels the way they do about it. I don’t think it matters what the topic is. It can be something as important as your religious beliefs or something as trivial as what your favorite candy bar is. Listening to the reasons behind someone’s choice may not be obvious or it just might be obvious. Keeping an open mind is important whether you agree with someone or not.

Problem Solving

The problem solving exercises throughout the class have been very challenging. Starting with the problem solving skills. I have participated in many problem solving activities throughout my career. But these have been focused on process issues. There have been things such as 5 why customer requested problem solving countermeasures due to missed shipments or supplier issues. I had not really looked at using problem solving steps when working on issues involving people and disputes. It surprised me that many of the steps for a process problem solving exercise similar for a people problem solving exercise. The basic steps to go through are: Step 1: What is the problem? Step 2: What are the alternatives? Step 3: What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of each alternative? Step 4: What is the solution? Step 5: How well is the solution working? From these basic 5 steps, we are able to dissect the problem and put meaning behind each one through the questions asked during each one. When you look at each step individually it starts to lead to a big picture. But without the context and meaning of each one together they don’t necessarily make sense. Defining the actual root cause of a problem makes the rest of the steps fall in line. It is like the first step of any journey, if you don’t take it you will never begin. This makes the analysis easier and the possible solutions readily compared.

Reporting Inferring and Judging

I know I am a judgmental person. Part of this goes towards the logical nature of my personality type. There are some things I need to continue to work towards in this part of conflict resolution. Sometimes I will dismiss other people’s opinions without actually giving them due consideration. But I know I cannot really judge someone else without looking at what has made them who they are. Because I was judged as making a mistake with my life, I think it has given me a desire to prove people wrong. This has been a benefit and it is also a drawback. I have to remind myself that everyone is not the same as I am. With work situations I find particular problems with people who are really there to socialize. What I mean by this for example, a woman I work with believes that she should have around 3 hours a day to go and visit with other employees. It is probably a stress reducer for her, or I could infer it is because she has no friends outside of work. I on the other hand believe that if I do not have work to do, then I should not be at work. I should be home taking care of other things. While I am very dedicated and strive to do my best. I have to remember and take into consideration that someone else’s best may not be comparable to my best.

Using Your Judgement for Personal and Organizational Issues

Sometimes I think I can be very judgmental. This has lead me to expect higher standards from other people. Typically I will only consider opinions of people I feel are more experienced in a topic or have a better understanding than I do. I used a marriage advice example in my short paper. It is a good one that I still refer to when someone is trying to give me advice when none was asked for. Some people have told me on various occasions that I expect too much of other people. One thing I know I can say about myself is that I expect professionalism when working, from every employee at a place of business. It doesn’t matter to me what your job is as long as you do your very best. This especially goes for fast food and banking employees. That side note is just my opinion. These two jobs have primarily direct interaction with the public and should show it. I think this also goes along with showing some self-respect by acting in a way that would be acceptable in the position.  



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