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Scientific Revolution

Essay by   •  December 15, 2011  •  Essay  •  319 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,546 Views

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What were the major influences of the Scientific Revolution? (2X's)

According to da Vinci, what subject was the key to understanding the nature of things?

The general conception of the universe before Copernicus was that. . .

What three areas did the greatest achievements in science in the 16th and 17th centuries?

The Ptolemaic conception of the universe was also known as. . .

Copernicus's heliocentric theory was. . .

The immediate reaction of the clerics to the theories of Copernicus was. . .

What was the professional relationship between Copernicus and Kepler?

Tycho Brahe (be specific)

What are the dramatic findings Galileo's observations?

Galileo's Dialogue on the Two World Systems was really an attempt to. . .

What actions did the Catholic Church pursue concerning Galileo and his ideas?

In Newton's Principia, he demonstrated through his rules of reasoning that the universe was . . .

Newton's universal law of gravitation proved that. . .

The Greco-Roman doctor who had the influence on medieval thought was. . .

Make a list of the earlier philosophers that were not associated with the Scientific Revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Just remember the names on the list.

On the Fabric of the Human Body. . .

William Harvey's On the Motion of the Heart and Blood refuted the ideas of. . .

What scientist argued that matter is composed of atoms?

Antione Lavoisier. . .

The role of women in the Scientific Revolution is illustrated by. . .

The overall effect of the Scientific Revolution on the argument about women was to. . .

Spinoza believed that women. . .

What was the name of Descartes' book that expounded his theories about the universe?

Organized religions in the seventeenth. . . In his work Pensees, Pascal. . .

Concerning the first important scientific societies, the French Academy differed from the English Royal Society in the former's. . .

The key figure of the Scientific Revolution who would inspire the search for natural laws in other fields, including society and



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