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Strategic Plan for Hiv/aids Awareness for Lunumbe Area

Essay by   •  November 4, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,547 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,629 Views

Essay Preview: Strategic Plan for Hiv/aids Awareness for Lunumbe Area

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Prepared by

Student: Kolive Megi

ID# 2011311154


Tutor: Mrs Kauba

Course U100

(Wednesday Group)



Lunumbe area is the second biggest populated area in the Daulo district of Eastern Highlands Province and it is located in the lower Asaro constituency of the Daulo district. There are about fifteen (15) villages. It has three Local Level Government councils and they are under Ward 6, 7, 1 of the lower Asaro constituency.

According to the 2011 national population censes, the population tripled from 4,000 to 12,000 in three (3) i.e. years from 2008 to 2011. But due to lack of funding from the government for the censes workers to carry out their work some remotest part of the Lunumbe area are not counted but if counted than the number is likely to increase.

About 10% of the population in Lunumbe are Educated. Some have prospered into securing jobs while majority are at home from being disqualified from furthered study which is due to educations' process.

Fig 1.1.Sketch Showing Lunumbe Area

The number of services that are provided by the government and the NGO's includes,

* Primary Schools (3)- Kasena Primary School which is a Lutheran Agency school (NGO), Omboda Primary School, ran by the Department of Education (Government) and Anengu Primary School ,ran by Evangelical Brotherhood Church (NGO)

* Health Services- Openga Aid Post, ran by Openga American Baptist Church (NGO)

The other government services that are available are bridges, road links and also rural electricity supply. And also village court judges from the Law and Justice sector, including ancillary police officers and peace officers that are recruited from each village.

According to statistics collected by Census 2011, half of the youth's population are secondary drop-outs while one quarter of the total population working employed in government/private sectors. Out of that working class, only about less than twenty (20) are degree holders from various universities across the country.


The gender in-equality has been going on for longer period of time since the ancestral period and it has been and is still practiced today. This has further created a masculines society, and women (females) are regarded as the second class of people. Therefore, our vision is to eradicate the gender inequality in the minds of the male populations and on the other hand, give more power to the female populations so that they can realise their capabilities and the will speak for themselves and they can participate equally, effectively, and meaning fully in the communities that they live in.

Mission statement

The study has revealed that due to the gender inequality, HIV/Aids is spreading at an alarming rate. This is more common older men and young women. This is because females are normally pushed of the land or deprived from inheriting family's wealth as a result of culture, norms and the masculine society they are living in. this makes the females look for ways to earn a living. And they end up having sex with older men those that have money and also have more sexual partners. As a result of that, the HIV/Aids is spread among this group of people.

We wanted to make sure that the practice of gender inequality and the mentality that people holds about men being more superior then women must totally be erased from the minds of people. This will be done by learning them about roles and values that women possess. Also clarify about what the constitutions Act says about the rights of women that the Government and the international Human Right Group have passed. With that in mind, both genders will equally participate with making decisions or any activity. Women will have no fear of gender discriminations.

In the communities, one of the special attitudes that the people possess is that families are strongly bonded together. Therefore they have this attitude of sharing, caring, helping during crisis period or when in sick. Regardless of how far they are, what sickness they have families will try their best to help and make their presents owned. We will use this as a medium of link to address gender inequality.

Assessing the situation

The problem area that contributes to the gender inequality are,

* Culture, norms and believe that men holds about women being the less masculine in the society or communities and are therefore not capable enough to make decision and participate in activities.

* Parents are not giving enough money to their daughters to buy cloths and other items that their female friends have.

* Parents not equally valuing their daughter with their son. And giving all their family's wealth to the males.

The situations mentioned above are the root cause of Gender Inequality which contributes to increase of HIV/Aids among older men and younger women.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities



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