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The Communication of Respect as a Significant Dimension of Cross-Cultural Communication Competence

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Cross Cultural Communication

Title: The Communication of Respect as a Significant Dimension of Cross-Cultural communication Competence.

Author: Lauren Mackenzie, Megan Wallace.

Edition Details: Cross-Cultural Communication, Vol 7, No. 3, 2011. DOI: 10.3968/j.ccc.1923670020110703.175

Page No: 10-18.


Cross Cultural Communication

Cross cultural communication produces some guidelines with which people from different cultures can communicate more effectively with each other. It studies how the people of different culture background communicate, in a similar or different ways among themselves. As culture defines the way of behaviour and its perception by some other person, it is very necessary to understand cross culture communication to prevent any misjudgment or wrong perception about other person. For example, US people are accustomed to waving and smiling politely at strangers, but the same can be perceived as rude or disrespectful or even as a sign of weakness in Korean culture. The study of cross cultural communication was originally found within business and the government both seeking to expand globally.

Respect in Cross Cultural Communication

In communication competence, respect is the considered as the most important key. Respect is more to do with politeness, ability, and competence. It is defined and understood only in human interaction. When any form communication is absent, be it verbal or non verbal, respect cannot be shown. Respect essentially means to be cooperative, to be polite, to appreciate, to be encouraging, to be tolerant, to empathize to name a few.

Communication of Respect

The communication of respect is a complex concept going beyond simple politeness and courtesies. It can be communicated either verbally, or nonverbally or paralinguistic manner. People have a chance to alter the evaluations others make of them and of other people in their group. Thus it becomes necessary to study the dimension of respect in cross culture communication to better understand and promote the power of initial interactions to counteract potential negative stereotypes. Also if one feels respected by the person with whom one interacts, this may increase one's motivation to reciprocate the positive relational information by acting more in favour of the group's interest. There are two major components to the communication of respect- attitudinal and interactional. As the name suggests, the attitudinal response is comprised of the subject's beliefs, attitudes, emotions and motives. While interactional component is the way the subject's attitudinal response and



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