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The Crucible - Abigail Williams

Essay by   •  July 20, 2011  •  Essay  •  335 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,689 Views

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The Crucible

Abigail Williams

Abigail Williams is the niece of Reverend Parris. She is selfish, manipulative, and an imposing liar. She is the one who started the witchcraft rumor throughout the whole town. She encouraged the witchcraft in the first place but instead she went around accusing everyone else. Abigail had all the control and power to end the false hoax but instead she used it to make her friends believe that there was witchcraft among them.

The factors that led to Abigail's role in the witch hunt were her feelings she had for John Proctor. She envied the relationship he had his wife and wanted to destroy their marriage. Since Abigail did not get what she desired from John she accused Elizabeth who is John's wife of witchcraft. She knew that the court would believe her so her plan was to get rid of Elizabeth so she can be with John.

The hysteria Abigail provoked not only effected Elizabeth and John but also sending nineteen innocent people to their death.

The Crucible

Abigail Williams

Abigail Williams is the niece of Reverend Parris. She is selfish, manipulative, and an imposing liar. She is the one who started the witchcraft rumor throughout the whole town. She encouraged the witchcraft in the first place but instead she went around accusing everyone else. Abigail had all the control and power to end the false hoax but instead she used it to make her friends believe that there was witchcraft among them.

The factors that led to Abigail's role in the witch hunt were her feelings she had for John Proctor. She envied the relationship he had his wife and wanted to destroy their marriage. Since Abigail did not get what she desired from John she accused Elizabeth who is John's wife of witchcraft. She knew that the court would believe her so her plan was to get rid of Elizabeth so she can be with John.

The hysteria Abigail provoked not only effected Elizabeth and John but also sending nineteen innocent people to their death.



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