The Great War and the United States
Essay by dcruize • April 30, 2013 • Essay • 1,071 Words (5 Pages) • 1,567 Views
World War I, also known as "The Great War", was a huge conflict that involved many countries from every corner of the globe. It was thought to be a war to end all wars, but this was proven wrong when a second war began after this. World War I was sparked by the assassination of Francis Ferdinand who was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary in June 1914. He and his wife were visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, and were both shot by a Bosnian Nationalist named Gavrilo Princip. This led to Austria-Hungary accusing Serbia of devising the plot. Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum, final set of demands, to Serbia when he believed that his allied, German emperor would support him. Serbia refused to accept all of the demands in which Austria-Hungary began mobilizing its forces. When the United States joined the war, it was completely irrelevant due to the fact that we only joined because we were allies with Great Britain. In results, many irrelevant deaths and injuries were in vain. Since the war was fought mainly in Europe, the United States had to go through long distances just to get there, which was a waste of resources and risk. In the end, we do not even benefit from the war besides gaining more allies.
When we, the United States, had entered the war we were entirely irrelevant to it. Besides using the excuse of going to war just because our ships, not to mention neutral ships, were sunk by the German U-boats. The Germans even ignored the warnings given by President Wilson. " Ignoring warnings by President Wilson, German U-boats sank three American Ships." (Modern World History, 375). If the Germans had not sunk our ships, we would most likely not even attend to the war. " 'This country does not intend to become involved in war. It would be a crime against civilization for us to go into it.'" (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, Woodrow Wilson). Woodrow agreed that we had nothing to do with the battle and even tried to reason that, just like what the quote says, we would be going against the people in the state if we went to war. Most of the civilians did not even want to go to the war. At first, we also only joined because we were fighting for having a safe democracy as well as humanity, but as it continued on people had no choice but to think of the war as " '..a war of commercialism."'. Because we were not related to the war, our armies were very weak and poor. This was a complete advantage for nations who had the upper hand in battle. The enemy were skilled and very well trained that could easily deliver a tactic that could wipe us out, but we were lucky.
As a result of the war, many deaths and permanent scars were printed on soldiers that were lucky enough to survive. Not only did the United States suffer deaths and injuries, it also affected each and every nation who participated in the long years of the brawl. Soldiers who made it out of the war alive survived,