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The Seven Years War and the Great Awakening

Essay by   •  September 12, 2016  •  Annotated Bibliography  •  793 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,390 Views

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Video #1 The Seven Years war and the Great Awakening

1. Governor of Virginia awarder a big land to Ohio Company, but that wasn’t well received by Native Americans and French who thought that they have reserved right to that land. When Ohio Company asked the French to recognize their land French absolutely disregarded that request. The first attempt in 1754 to make French leave took place in West Pennsylvania. George Washington led the attack and it turn out to be a disaster. French also succeeded against British in 1755 at Fort Duquesne.

2. British in order to avoid future conflicts with Native Americans issued the Proclamation Line of 1763, which reserved the Appalachian Mountains to Indians.

3. During the Great Awakening colonists became more religious, number of Presbyterians, Baptist and Methodist believers in colonies grew. People not only criticize Church hierarchy, but also other aspects of colonial society. It gave men and women a chance to speak up before traditional authorities.

Video #2 The Seven Years War

1.British wanted to expand their land into the West, which was held by the French, who had their trading post there. British wanted more land to allow more colonists, which would increase their import and export of goods.

2. Indians were more supportive of French, because they their presence prevented British from invasion of lands, Native Americans were using for hunting and agriculture.

3. The Seven Year War greatly reduced the presence of French on the American mainland, and Indians lost the ability to lay British and French of each other. This increased the number of British settlers, and Native Americans took the biggest loss out of three nations after Seven Year War. Main peace treaties signed in France in 1763 limited French presence in Caribbean, India and the North America. By 1763 the British debt reached 133 million pounds, which led to taxation on Americans and resulted in Revolution.

Video #3 Taxes & Smuggling

1. The colonist rejected the new acts that the British passed, because they didn’t have any say in them. Colonist didn’t have a representation in the Parliament, and because of that they rejected to pay any taxes.

2. Colonist thought that British would back down in response of their protest during Boston Tea Party, but instead British pasted the serious of acts that colonist called Intolerable Acts.

3. Colonists and elite who used paper the most, like newspaper printers and lawyers organized the Stamp Act Congress that lead to first protest against British taxes.

Video #4 Who Won The American Revolution

1. The revolution resulted in colonists changing their ideas of life. They understood that all human are born with certain rights including a right to freedom, equality and pursue of happiness.

2. One of the biggest reasons colonists won the revolution was the knowledge of the land. Americans knew the land much better than the British did, and didn’t have to obtain soldiers or weapon from overseas. Another help was the fact that the British didn’t look at Americans as serious opponents.



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