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Tyson Case - Essay on Self

Essay by   •  August 18, 2011  •  Essay  •  261 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,822 Views

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my name is Tyson. i am into sports (football, basketball, soccer, track) , i like to mow, i like to shoot guns, i like to play guitars, drums and piano and want to learn to play them better, and willing to take lessons. i like to draw and paint, and cook (barbecue) and build and put things together with my hands and i am into mechanics. I also like to work hard. my favorite color is purple, and my favorite kind of food is anything edible. I like to hang out and have a good time. I am nice, and respectful and caring and trustful and trustworthy. I have been mowing for 9 years. i also like to sing and beat box and i like to dance. I am crazy, and can be loud, and i can be spastic and friendly. i like making random noises and sounds, and i can be fun to be around. i am into woman and i love dogs and horses. i like the outdoors and to be with friends. i can be shy but fun if you get to know me. I am a single man that is 18 years old and I am also a good looking man I am told and also that I am nice and friendly. My middle name is Rhodes like the bread company and my first name is the brand of chicken but no I am not the owner or anything. I like to eat, sleep and listen to music and I like pretty much all kinds of music.



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