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What Caused the Civil War?

Essay by   •  April 27, 2011  •  Essay  •  471 Words (2 Pages)  •  3,677 Views

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What Caused the Civil War?

Have you ever thought about why the Civil War happened? I thought about it and came up with three of the best reasons I could think of to cause the Civil War. These are the reasons that forced the North and South to come to war. First it was because of slavery, then the South seceded from the union when Lincoln was elected, and the South feared that the North would have majority in the senate. If any of these reasons that were mentioned had not been a problem back then, hundreds of thousands of Americans wouldn't have lost there lives.

First, the main reason the war happened was because of slavery. Slavery, as we know was a big debate back then. The Southern states wanted to keep slavery so that the slaves could work on their plantations so their owners could make a business. The Northern states wanted it abolished, they thought that all people should be treated like any other person. This would obviously lead to conflict between the two. Neither the North or the South would give in to what the other believed was right, so that influenced the war a lot.

Another reason was the succeeding of the South and the election of Abraham Lincoln. About all of the southern states didn't listen when Lincoln said that he would not act against slavery. Once Lincoln was elected to office, the South said that they wouldn't have him leading them. They then left the union and formed the Confederacy. I believed that this was another major cause of the Civil War. Because when you split the nation then you are not working together which would cause the two lands to have there differences.

The last reason that was believed to have caused the Civil War was that the South feared that the North would have the majority of the senate. Since the North had more people they thought that they should have more people in the senate. The South disagreed with that. The North also had the bigger states. So to sum it up the union had more states, more people living in their states, and the union was so much bigger than the confederate states. Which would cause a split Government which would not be good at all.

Finally, if America was not faced with these problems that were mentioned in the paragraphs above we might not of had a Civil War. We might still be faced with these conflicts today if Lincoln hadn't been elected. If slavery wasn't around back then that would be one less thing to worry about. If the South hadn't argued about the senate, the northern states might still have the upper hand. If it wasn't for Lincoln the union and confederacy might still be against each other.



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