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What Is the Effect over the Past 10 Years on Coca-Cola and Pepsi as Consumers Change Lifestyles for Healthier Living?

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Essay Preview: What Is the Effect over the Past 10 Years on Coca-Cola and Pepsi as Consumers Change Lifestyles for Healthier Living?

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WRDS Proposal

What is the effect over the past 10 years on Coca-Cola and Pepsi as consumers change lifestyles for healthier living?

Submitted By:         Samuel Barnsley

Date of Submission:         07-Oct-2015

Class Details:                 MBA 611: Managerial Accounting [Fall 2015]


This research paper will look at the book value vs. the market value of Coca-Cola and Pepsi’s. Looking specifically at the recent downfall in the market and in the world of carbonated drinks. The research will include looking at how this is affecting the company’s future outlook and analyze what has happened over the past 10 years. A third company Dr. Pepper will also be analyzed to show how they are increasing their market share, and show that they are a better investment.


I believe that this current downfall is due to the size of the two companies, and the number of customers opting for healthier alternatives to soda. I expect both companies value to start increasing as they search for ways to become healthier and find new products.


Because of the size of the companies, the way in which they make their money (that being consumers purchasing beverages), and the amount of people opting for healthier alternatives, has had a big impact on the value of the company. However, Coca-Cola has been investing in different areas, and both companies are pursuing healthier beverage alternatives.


I intend to download data from the past 10 years including book and market value of shares, and compile this into a line graph to show trends, and analyze why these trends happened.



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