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What a Leader Should Possess

Essay by   •  April 19, 2012  •  Essay  •  909 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,698 Views

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Leadership can be defined as one's ability to get others to willingly follow and or perform their jobs in the absence of leadership. The old adage leaders are born and not made has been long debated by scholars; however, it is agreed that regardless both need nurturing to fully develop the required skill set. Such developmental opportunities can include but are not limited to the following. Be placed in a challenging assignment early in ones career that broadens knowledge and experience such as, special projects committee, being part of a task force, or attendance at meetings outside a one's core responsibility. Receive mentoring or coaching from senior executive role models whose leadership skills were either very good or very bad and finally, any formal training programs that complement the aforementioned.

In addition, the leader must be ethically and morally honest with integrity beyond reproach. The leader must be humble and understand their personal shortcomings and strengths, and then develop an exceptional staff that compensates and complements both. It is imperative for a leader to be tolerant while remaining steadfast in both discipline and reward, this will help to foster an environment of cohesiveness and camaraderie, hence, building a strong Team. The leader must understand and manage perceptions while being assertive but not aggressive; to do this, the leader must fully understand the expectations of his or her staff. Perceptions become reality in the minds of subordinates and peers alike, if facts are not made available. Therefore, it is important that the leader always deliver clear and concise orders and or guidance. Finally, it is important that a leader understands the true loyalty of their workforce or a lack there of, and compensate accordingly.

Often the phrase "living in a fish bowl" is used to describe what it is like to be a leader. For that reason, the leader must in every respect, understand how their actions or a lack there of, have an effect on subordinates and peers. This includes treating everyone with humility and dignity. As such, the leader must be both morally and ethically driven, often leaders have the delusion that "I am in charge so I can do I as I see fit". This is true; however, a leader must be mindful of the perceptions and expectations and be ready to mitigate their actions. The leader should always set the example in both their professional and personal lives while keeping the two separate.

A leader must be tolerant while remaining steadfast in both discipline and reward, fostering an environment of cohesiveness and camaraderie. A newly appointed leader needs to accept responsibility for their actions as well as the actions of those who work for them. Additionally, when in charge take charge. Regardless of what the leader inherited, it is now their problem, not their predecessors. This is contrary to what is portrayed



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