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Why Homosexuality Did Not Lead to the Fall of the Roman Empire

Essay by   •  December 12, 2011  •  Essay  •  491 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,164 Views

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One, back in the days of the Romans, homosexuality was NOT uncommon. It was very common for the times, and had been going on for centuries. The professor's opinion took his religion to an extreme by having a major bias against homosexuals. Did he consider the other factors that could lead to the fall of a nation? No. Slavery could have played a major role in the decline of the nation. There has NEVER been a civilization based around slavery that has survived, and in Rome three-fourths of the people were slaves. Did he consider that when the Romans started to become intolerable of other religions they started to decline? No. When the Romans started to make all people be one religion the people started to get mad and rebel, thus leading to the end of the empire. If the Romans had not started to be intolerable of their civilizations religions and cultures then maybe Rome would have lasted longer. Did Mattei consider that maybe it was just Rome's time? No. It is a fact that no civilization from the ancient world has survived. No matter how strong and powerful a civilization is it WILL fall at some point. Maybe it was just Rome's time. If Mattei had had any sort of evidence to back him up I would look at his view points from a different perspective, but he doesn't and it's stated facts that homosexuality in the terms that the ancient people defined it as was NOT uncommon and could not lead to the fall of an empire as vast as Rome. It would take a lot more then that common practice to bring down an empire as huge as the Romans.

Two, immoral behavior can be defined by many different things. Immoral behavior in ancient times was defined a lot differently then what it is today, yet it is still the same in many ways. In the times of the Romans cheating was accepted as long as it was the man doing it and the woman he was committing adultery with was unmarried. In today's culture adultery is not bad at all, and while your significant other may be angry, there is no punishment that the government has set forth. Immoral behavior such as that could lead to the fall of an empire, but the things that one person considers immoral could be completely fine in another's book. So immortality could lead to the fall of the Roman Empire, but it depends on what your definition of immortality is. The Romans had a very different version of immortality then we did. With the Roman's version of immortality being so vastly different then ours I think that immortality did not lead to the fall, seeing how they didn't think what they were doing was immoral. More pratical reasons are normally to blame for the falling of empires: such as war, rebellion, slavery, resources, or just it being their time.



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