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Why Is Literature Written in the Past and in Different Countries Important?

Essay by   •  March 3, 2012  •  Essay  •  358 Words (2 Pages)  •  3,510 Views

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Why is literature written in the past and in different countries important?

When you read a book or a story that was written long ago, you feel that you have been carried away into the time that the story was created. Literature is very diffferent around the world, every country has its different stories, even if they were written hundreds of years ago, or a few years ago.

Literature written in the past is very important for us know, because it helps us understand what was going on during the time that the story was written. It allows us to know what our country or other countries were going through, and how it affected a persono or a specific group of people. Reading about the past may help you understand why a country has certain customs or why a some people act how they do.

Literature can also vary between the different regions in a country. A country as large as the United States developed throughout many years, therefore the history and events through which the people went through are all different, depending on where they were raised. If you read a story written during the Revolutionary War in New York it may be a completely different scenery compared to a story written in the same dates but in California, were the territory was still wild and it was ruled by Native Americans.

I believe literature written in the past and in different countries will help us create a better world, It will help us know about the best way to interact with certain people. It allows us to understand what happened before to cause ceratin facts or contradictions, so that we do not make the same mistakes now. Literature from the past also helps us understand why we are how we are and why are countries customs are what they are. Literature is a very important part of your life, it allows you to become a person with more cultural knowledge and to learn more about other countries and people.



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