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Wuthering Heights - Book Review

Essay by   •  September 21, 2011  •  Book/Movie Report  •  372 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,973 Views

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Wuthering Heights


Wuthering Heights

My least favourite character in 'Wuthering heights' was Catherine Earnshaw. I did not like her because of her selfishness throughout the novel. She was selfish because she loved Heathcliff but was unable to follow her feelings, due to the fact that he lacked money and wealth. Instead she married Edgar Linton, not because she loved him, but because of his fortune and money and her need to be accepted socially. She chooses greed over love. "It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him" This situation made me think about the difference between the 19th century and the 21st century. It showed me how fortunate and lucky women living in today's world are, compared to the women living in the 1800's and 1900's. We grow up with the luxury of independence, whether we take that opportunity is our choice or not. We get the freedom to make our own decisions and choices. Catherine's life was the opposite of that. She was brought up relying on others, dependent on everyone around her. She wouldn't have been able to cope living life on her own, and standing up on her own two feet. Today women are offered with so many great things, the chance to work and have freedom, which women in the 19th century never received.

I enjoyed reading Wuthering Heights because of the dark conflict that Heathcliff has with all of the other character in the novel. He was malicious and full of resent. I think that heathcliff's darkness and brutality, helped portray the theme of revenge in the novel. Heathcliff was so scared and bitter from the wrong doings he had unwillingly received from Hindley, that he seeked revenge. An example of him looking for vengeance is when he fuels Hindleys gambling and alcohol addiction, in an attempt to take his land and fortune. He succeeds with this quest. The only thing Heathclif was good at during the novel was revenge. Heathcliff would of become a better person if he had let go of his past, and move on from past sufferings and hurt. People need to move on from their past, to build a better future



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