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Adoptions Case

Essay by   •  November 1, 2013  •  Essay  •  542 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,427 Views

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There are many reasons as to why people or couple chooses to adopt a child. Sometimes it has to do with infertility and some other people think that it is better to adopt than to bring another child into the world. Others do not want to pass a certain genetic problem onto other generations, and some have medical problems that would make the pregnancy more difficult than usual or even harmful to the mother's health. Just like there are numerous reason to adopt a child there are numerous way to do it. What is an international adoption and where are most of those kids come from? In this paper I will explain the definition explanation of an international adoption, and where are most of those children come from.

The simple definition of international adoption is when someone from one country adopts a child from another country. Citizen of the United States are allowed to adopt children from any country chosen except from Russia as of January 2013, however this is not the case in most other countries. International adoption is a great and worthy alternative to start a family if one cannot have children of his/ hers own. In the land of opportunity, one can chose where they want to adopt their child from, and other factors that would best suit your liking such as the age range, gender, family history, race and so forth. In general the adopting parent has a lot of control over the child that they adopt. With so many international adoptions and multicultural societies today these children will most likely not feel like outsiders as it is extremely common now.

There are many different countries where someone can chose to adopt a child from. According to the article in Politic 116, borders are constantly opening and closing depending on the time of year and the economic status of the country as well as the economic status of the USA. The most common countries for international adoption by parents in the United States for fiscal year 2012 were China, Ethiopia and Russia. Other less common countries includes: Canada, Haiti, and Poland ( These statistics can vary from year to year as each country alters its rules due to human trafficking and other factors. The birth of a girl has never been a cause for celebration in China, the number of girls being abandoned, aborted, or dumped on orphanage is growing. China is the one major country where girls adopted far outnumber boys; due to the Chinese culture's son preference blend with the planned birth policy implemented in 1979, about 95% of Chinese children adopted are girls ( Most adoption agencies in the United States turn down couples who are fertile, that is one of the reason they generally adopt children from another country.

Orphans face things that not even they know that other children their ages have not faced. The number of out-of-country adoptions is so higher than domestic ones ado because of the requirements and



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