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Behavior and Social Cognitive

Essay by   •  December 2, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,219 Words (5 Pages)  •  3,366 Views

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Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits

" A habit is something that you do other or regularly, often without about it; which is why we have so many of them; however, the unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits so much easier to give up than bad ones" (Maughan & Clark, 2011 p.). Two weeks ago was the beginning of a new football season. Thursday night was the day of the game when Laney and Strong Thurmond will meet on the gridiron. The hour had finally come, my adrenaline was flowing and I couldn't wait to get to the game to see some head knocking, shoulder pads sounding off, and crowd cheering for their team; however this not the same excitement when it comes to my homework or other things that I have to take care of. When I attempt to started on assignment or other tasks that need to be done, there is something always there to derail my plans. The only word that comes to describe my derailment is procrastination. I have several good and bad habits; however, procrastination is something that seems hard to erase.

"The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken" (Johnson, 2009). A personal habit is the things that make us and break us. They help define us as individual. Take your medication, brushing teeth at night and morning, putting on socks before shoes are examples of habits. Some habits are good and some are bad; however, "habits are just limited to a person behavior, but his or her thoughts as well" (SIM, 2011, p.). That's why the behavioral patterns an individual repeats most often are carved in his or her neural pathways (SIM, 2011). The purpose of a habit is to assist a person throughout his or her day: simplifying routines of the day. The following paragraphs will analyze a habit, development/ influences of the habit. Explain how did I develop this habit? Which people influenced the adoption of this habit? Why do I continue to do this habit? Explain the behavioral personality theory. Describe components of social/cognitive theory. Develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change this habit. Which one of the behavioral and social/cognitive explains my personality?

Analyzing an Habit

Habit comes from the Latin word habitare which means to inhabit (Cherry, 2011). "A recurrent, often unconscious behavior pattern acquired by repeated repetition or physiological exposure that shows itself in regularly or increased facility is a habit (Cherry, 2011). The worst habit I have is called procrastination which is an automatic problem habit leading to a needless delay of a timely, relevant priority activity until another day or time (Amazon, 2011). This habit occurs when I attempt to start on my homework or any other task that's needed to be done, such as folding clothes or cutting the grass. Going to work, eating, bathing, and brushing my teeth are habits I do daily without thinking. Habits are "series are pattern formed through repetition (SIM, 2011). The more times a person does an activity the stronger the neural connection becomes. Procrastination has become a huge issue in my life. The procrastination developed later in life, when I became involved in a lot more activities. This habit has gotten out of hand and has swollen up to an ocean size proportion of neural connection. I know things have to be done eventually, I just opt out to do them later. This has become a negative habit because I would always put other activities or other people before myself; however, when it comes to my homework eventually, staying up all night getting the assignment done has become a naturally habit. I could not conceive working on my homework during the day, because I have become



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