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Challenges of Leading Change

Essay by   •  June 24, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  819 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,970 Views

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Challenges of Leading Change

Transformational change is not merely and expansion or improvement over time, but a condition of change. The change is dynamic and compelling, more than just a better rendition of business as usual; it excites people and unleashes creativity and passion. The result will be more than a tremendous improvement, but a brand new organization, a state of change, a transformation. To achieve this change requires readjusting and increasing the limited mindset in which the organization operates. This mindset includes the attitudes, direction, purpose, and philosophy; how the organization perceives their problems, opportunities, and the solutions they consider to deal with them. This paper will present concepts used in making transformational change, leadership, complacency, and leading groups to become high performing teams.

Transformational Leadership Style

The transformational leadership style embodies a leader's ability to motivate, maintain positive morale, and outstanding performance of followers. According to Burns, who through his extensive research proposed that; "transformational leadership is about values and meaning, and a purpose that transcends short-term goals and focuses on higher order needs" (Burns, p. 1, 1978). People may generally feel insecure and anxious during times of organization change. For this reason, leaders much pay close attention not only to the changes the organization faces but also the transformation the followers must undergo to accommodate the changes. The transformational leadership style has four components:

1. Charisma- the leader believes in admirable ways and has a clear set of values and acts as a role model for the followers.

2. Inspirational Motivation- the leader articulates a vision that inspires followers with optimism about future goals and offers meaning for the current task at hand.

3. Intellectual Stimulation- the leader stimulates creativity by providing methods for the organization to connect as a team and perceive the goal.

4. Personal and Individual Attention - the leader acts as a mentor and coach to individuals showing respect and appreciation for their contribution to the organization.

Transformational Change

Transformational change can be chaotic. Chaos occurs because of multiple factors and complex issues that arise. Three elements, when included in the process, can lead to a successful change: leadership that clearly conveys the transition and addresses the emotional strain caused by a change, and continues to instill inspirational motivation throughout the organization; a change prototype with processes describing the various factors that will be addressed; and change management teams that will explain what is required and expected of the organization.



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