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Distributing the Transactions in a Peer to Peer Network

Essay by   •  August 26, 2013  •  Research Paper  •  2,421 Words (10 Pages)  •  1,484 Views

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Abhinaya.S1, Divya.N2, Indumathi K3


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering

Anna University

Abstract-- In this paper, we propose a queueing model for distributing the transactions in a peer to peer network using probabilistic peer choosing. We propose a system to create a framework with which applications can be written that do not require immediate responses from either clients or servers which gives the flexibility needed to handle routine pauses within business processes. A peer forwards a query to one of its neighbors using a probability that is a function of the number of

connections in the overlay network of both. Using this service also helps us to write applications that are more readily available and more scalable, that distribute well over multiple, even unreliable, networks while maintaining the integrity of the data. The goal of the paper is to develop a flexible and reliable approach to communication- one that is appropriate for many kinds of applications.

Keywords--Transactional queues,Business process,Probabilistic Flooding,Enterprise.


The paper aims at distributing the transactions in a peer to peer network. It deals with creating a framework for distributed transaction processing where one program's load resides on more than one machine. These programs interact with each other for distribution of work.

Today the business environments are revolving around concepts of networking and network communications .The large work loads are shared among systems that are connected to one other to share and work together. But this again raises problems if the connection fails or drops out. It again becomes the responsibility of the program or the programmer to develop a local caching system and fail retry mechanisms that are a pain to implement. This has again led to the need for better solutions.

When there is a transaction containing many atomic transactions these machines separate the various statements and execute and coordinate them back as one transaction. A message queue is used to get all messages. This MSMQ lies in one machine, both light weight programs listen to this message queue. The high priority jobs and low priority jobs can be distributed to be executed by the different systems based on the probability which is a function of the number of connections in the overlay network of both. Furthermore, it has also been found out that resource distribution among peers varies greatly . It follows that taking heterogeneity of P2P-based applications into account is crucial for system design and evaluation.

The paper mainly aims at increasing the performance of every system connected in a network. These operations are done in the operating system, without the knowledge of the users. This also follows a loosely coupled architecture.

This is best used for business applications which need high throughput .The usage of message queues presents a framework for designing and deploying a scalable, highly available load balancing solution infrastructure, incorporating the drainer and processor components of the Message Queuing architecture.

The node for distribution is chosen on the basis of the following criteria:

NODE CAPACITY: The factors that affect the capacity of the node such as CPU speed,space etc

NC= P(CPU)*w1 + P(Memory) *w2 + P(IO)*w3 + P(Bandwidth)* w4

Where P(X) represents the value of factor X and wi represents the corresponding weight factor.


There have been many related works in the area of distributed transactions in peer to peer networks.

One of the paper titled Model - based evaluation of search strategies in peer to peer networks written by Rossano Gaeta, Matteo Sereno ,Italy. The description of this paper is that this paper exploits a previously developed modeling framework to compare variations of the basic flooding strategy in unstructured p2p networks. The advantage of this paper is use of Generalized Random graphs to represent the overlay network of p2p. The disadvantage of this paper is Missing control parameters which can increase the performance of the flooding-based strategies.

Another paper in this regards is Exploiting Dynamic Querying like Flooding Techniques in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks written by Hongbo Jiang, Shudong Jin Cleveland. This paper analyses an enhanced flooding technique which requires the search cost close to the minimum, reduces the search latency by more than four times, and loosens the constraints on the network connectivity. The advantage It requires only minor modifications to the existing search mechanisms and can be incrementally deployed in peer-to-peer networks. The disadvantage of this paper is both flooding based and random walk based algorithms are not analysed.

One other paper is A Novel Probabilistic Flooding Strategy for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks written by Spiridoula V. Margariti Vassilios V. Dimakopoulos. The description of this paper is that the strategy takes into account the popularity of resources and the hop distance from the node that initiated the query. The advantage of this paper is minimization of the cost of search associated with excessive message transmissions. The disadvantage of this paper is Inability in expanding its applicability to other topologies such as powerlaw Overlays.

A paper on A simple analytical framework to analyze search strategies in large-scale peer-to-peer networks written by R.Gaeta, G.Balbo, S.Bruell, M.Gribaudo, M.Sereno. The description of this paper is that the peers comprising the P2P network and their application-level connections are modeled as Generalized Random Graphs (GRGs) whose simple and efficient analysis is accomplished using the generating function of the graph's degree distribution. The advantage of this paper is the accuracy of the proposed model improves as the size of the P2P network increases making it a suitable tool for the analysis of



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