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Dystopian Literature

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Philip Berrocales

English 10

27 October 2016

Dystopian Literature

        Dystopian literature is a type of literature that shows dehumanization.

Dystopian literature is important in culture and society because it shows how bad things can be in the world. It also makes people appreciate what they have in the world.

  1. 1984 by George Orwell is an example of dystopian literature because it shows how cruel a government can be and it shows dehumanization.
  2. “There Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury is also an example of dystopian literature because it shows the wrong way that technology can work and how bad atomic bombs can be.
  3. “Before The Law” by Franz Kafka is also an example of dystopian literature because it shows how much fear that can be put into people and threatens dehumanization.

Dystopian Literature shows how cruel the government can be and how harsh the world can be. It is also a warning sign by some authors.

  1. George Orwell shows in “1984” how cruel the government can be and how the government is trying to brainwash its people.
  1. The government “Big Brother” has the law of thought crime where you cannot think negatively of Big Brother or think of rebelling.
  2. If the people do not obey Big Brother, if they rebel, or even if they think about rebelling they would be tortured to death.
  3. In people’s houses they had to have telescreens in their homes to hear Big Brothers messages and to be tracked.

In “1984” it is shown home bad life can be with a dystopian government and how bad life can be.

  1. Ray Bradbury shows in “There Will Come Soft Rains” the dark side of technology and how deadly atomic bombs can be.
  1.  A nuclear blast wipes out all human life in Allendale, California with only one house is left standing.
  2. Futuristic technology was installed in the house to allow it to automate everyday actions like making beds, cooking dinner and throwing out the trash. It does this in spite of the fact that the humans have died.
  3. The family's dog enters the house and dies. Later that night, a tree falls into the house and spills a bottle of cleaning solvent and the house burns down. Its automated system repeats the words, "Today is August 5, 2026," as it dies.

In “There Will Come Soft Rains”, technology is shown as a bad and evil thing.

  1. Franz Kafka shows in “Before the Law” shows how government can put fear into their people.
  1. The man could not get passed the gate keeper
  2. The gatekeeper tells him that there’s more gatekeepers ahead and puts fear into him
  3. The man ends up being there for years and gives all of his stuff to the gatekeeper
  4. At the end when the man is old and deaf the gatekeeper says “here no one else can gain entry, since this entrance was assigned only to you. I'm going now to close it.” The man from the country dies, and the gatekeeper closes the gate.

Franz Kafka shows in “Before the Law” that fear can be put into people for years and that can deprive you of freedom.

  1. Dystopian literature is important in culture and society because it shows how bad things can be in the world. It also makes people appreciate what they have in the world.
  1. George Orwell shows in “1984” how a cruel government can be and shows dehumanization.
  2. Ray Bradbury shows in “There Will Come Soft Rains” the dark side of technology and deadly atomic bombs.
  3. Franz Kafka shows in “Before the Law” that your freedom can be deprived through fear.
  1. Dystopian literature shows the darker side of humanity and writing and it is written to inform us and appreciate.



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