English Case
Essay by Zomby • May 19, 2011 • Essay • 303 Words (2 Pages) • 2,034 Views
today is a good day
peromis tomorrow
im very excited
i want everyone in my school to look pretty
i want to have a whole bunch of fun
i will not get drunk or get high
i am an angel
afterwards i want some ihop
i really cant wait
i really wish all the people i want to be there the most could come. but after i eat im going to a hotel with my best friend in the whole wide world. and i probably go home the next day. then its going to be finals. Im not confident about my finals at all. then upcoming is senior week. that should be interesting. we should have a whole bunch of fun considering it will b our last week together as highschool kids. i love my friends that i have made here. i love everyone at my school who has helped me through it all. i will b attending a college in the fall. im excited about that. that should be my main focus right now. jamiya jasmine lele qi daniella zoey nyjay nijah they are all of my friends who i love to death
english is a very hard subject for me. im really good in math though.i take that course very serious. math is apart ofmy future. i so cant wait to get out of highschool. i want to start my career as soon aspossible. im about to go home in a few i have to get ready for my prom. my favorite color is green. thats the best color. and i also love spongebob squarepants. he is funny and he always makes me laugh. i dont have any children. i use to have a pet rabbit named bunny. it was a girl and she was so cute. i had to give her up for adoption because im going away for college.