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Espresso Machines

Essay by   •  May 3, 2013  •  Essay  •  233 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,510 Views

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here are four different channels of distribution.First, the espresso machines are distributed in electrical goods shops. Thepotential customers can only buy a coffee machine in this kind of shops,the capsules and the accessories are not distributed in these shops. The customers can also buy espresso machines, capsules and accessoriesin the 15 Nespresso shops in France (42 around the world). These shopsare the base of the experiential marketing strategy developed byNespresso. All has been designed so that the customers make themselvescomfortable: the atmosphere is warm, there are chairs... The potentialcustomers can taste the different flavours of coffee, try the espressomachines and listen to the advices of specialised salesmen. The aim isthat the customers see the purchase as a pleasant experience which willmake them want to come back in the shop and buy other Nespressoproducts. These shops are a real show window for the brand, to show tothe customers the "Nespresso's drinker way of living". The coffee machines, the capsules and the accessories are also availableon Internet and by phone thanks to the Nespresso services. However,these services are reserved to the members of the Nespresso club. Thus,the customers have to register trough the website and/or buy an espressomachine to enjoy Nespresso services and order capsules. Indeed, buyingan espresso machines, the customer enters in the club which permits himto order capsules by phone and on Internet (the capsules are onlydistributed to the members of Nespresso club).



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