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Euthyphro Case

Essay by   •  October 12, 2012  •  Essay  •  733 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,443 Views

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The various definitions of piety given by Euthyphro, seem to have a basic meaning, understanding and reasoning. As I read and understand Euthyphro's definition of Piety, I start to consider that I now have a clear definition of what Piety means. Since this is my first experience reading a Philosophical script. Euthyphro's first definition of piety is, "to prosecute the wrong doer." (Cahn, 2012, p. 22). Euthyphro's statement of piety claims that every person who does wrong, should be punished. From that definition of piety, my point of view is that every person who does wrong should be held accountable for their actions. It is important that people learn and grow from their mistakes. Another definition of piety given by Euthyprho, "What is dear to the gods is pious, what is not is impious." (Cahn, 2012, p.22). Basically Euthyphro's understanding of piety, means that whatever is right by the gods is just and what is not right by the gods, is injust. So Euthyphro's definitions of piety at first seem pretty straight forward. Socrates then starts to scrutinize Euthypro's definitions of piety, which leads Euthypro and myself for that matter confused of the nature of piety.

Socrates does not accept Euthypro's definition of piety, because the definitions seem to be contradicting themselves. Not only are Euthypro's definitions of piety contradicting themselves, but they seem to be changing throughout conversation with Socrates. Socrates is a very wise man; he has a great ability to be able to see things in a way that everyone around the situation will have gained a greater knowledge. While Socrates is trying to understand what piety actually means, he states to Euthyprho, "you told me an affect or quality of it, that the pious has the quality of being loved by all the gods, but you have not yet told me what the pious is." (Cahn, 2012, p.25). Euthypro is not able to give the definition of piety to Socrates, Euthypro continues claiming, that what is loved by the gods is pious and opposite is impious. Socrates also mentions that sometimes the gods differ and how some things are loved by the gods and others are unloved. He makes this point to Euthypro, because he does not understand where the word piety stands in this kind of circumstance. Socrates continues to ask questions and make examples of piety to Euthypro, because he is trying to come to an end with the nature and definition of piety. Through conversations, observations and examples it seems that a true definition of piety cannot be solved. Euthypro does not provide much information about piety; it is revealed that he has not much knowledge of the word. Even though Euthypro's at the court and prosecuting his own father of piety, he can't give a valid definition of the word to Socrates. Euthyphro was only able to give a universal term of piety.

With Socrates' divine ignorance nature, he was not



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