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Experiences and Cultures Essay

Essay by   •  December 8, 2013  •  Essay  •  877 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,492 Views

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People are all different from each other, based on experiences and cultures. People's experiences and cultures are all different, it impacts their views, like religion, beliefs, like sexism, and actions, how people treat other people.

Peoples experiences and cultures make their views different. In the early 1900's peoples views are different than today, a line from the short story A jury of Her Peers proves this, "They wonder whether she was going to quilt it just knot it!" (Glaspell 165). The man in the quote viewed the women as to stray off course because they looked at the quilt, while looking for evidence as the men did while the women were looking at the quilt. Instead by following the trail that the quilt left, the women found the most evidence out of the two groups. In todays world you must obey authority, in Philip Meyer's article If Hitler asked you to electrocute someone, would you? Probably, he says "The flaw is, a readiness to obey authority without question" (Meyer 111). Peoples view on obeying authority, is to do it no matter what, because of their experience of being told to while growing up. No matter what happens, 89% of the population will obey a higher power, because that is the way they grew up. They grew up this way by being told to listen to a police officer or a fireman. Experiences and culture make peoples views different.

People's culture change their beliefs. In the early 1900's, if a women got divorced from her husband, she would become a social outcast, from family, friends and from the community (Woltemath 1). During this time period, because of sexist beliefs, women were treated as inferior to men. Most people in this time, thought that women had only the job of the house, while men did the real work in the family. So people thought that if a women did not have a man in her life she would suffer. The character Sheriff Peters from the short story, "A Jury of Her Peers" by Susan Glaspell, said "'Nothing here but kitchen things', he said with a little laugh for the insignificance of kitchen things" (Glaspell 159). The Sheriff thinks that the work that the women do around the house is not as important as his job, being a Sheriff. The sexist beliefs are very strong during this time period, because of the experiences, the way the people grew up in this time period, and culture, it happened everyday in their lives. Women were viewed to need a man to keep teh family going with a job while teh wife satyed and worked in the house. Peoples beliefs are changed by their cultures and experiences.

Peoples experiences change their actions in different ways. Martha Hale, from the novel "A Jury of Her Peers" said "'she loved that bird' said Martha Hale, low and slowly. 'She was going to bury it in that pretty box'" (Glaspell 169). Since Mrs. Wright love for her bird, because of its beautiful



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