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Globalisation Case

Essay by   •  May 28, 2012  •  Essay  •  3,200 Words (13 Pages)  •  1,440 Views

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1. What is globalisation? List two ways the author describes globalisation in the article.

Globalisation is the integration and exchange of ideas and goods globally. Globalisation is a worldwide complex problem that combines economics, technology, social, cultural, and political factors, all combined to create a delicate issue.

In David Ehrenfeld's article "Globalisation: Effects on Biodiversity Environment and Society", he describes globalisation as a process of unavoidable problems worldwide. He describes the effects globalisation has on the global economy and the environment with the exportation and transportation of raw materials and finished goods. Free trade promotes cheaper products. Transportation energy costs do not come into consideration with the marketing of these products, and in turn the market cannot control the environmental costs of globalisation.

2. How does the author describe the relationship between globalisation and technology?

David Ehrenfeld describes the relationship between globalisation and technology as not predetermined. They have a neutral relationship, neither negative or positive. As technology improves the cost of living increases, which produces the risk in today's society widening the gap between the

rich and poverty classes in countries. Technological advancement influence our everyday lives, and therefore lifestyles change with technology.

The creation of fast and more efficient computers has become necessity. However it uses more energy consumption to achieve this technological advancement, and as stated "one pound of coal to create, package, store, and move two megabytes of data".

The positive feature to technological advances is they do have the capabilities to formulate a way of reducing energy consumption via new technologies, however this seems to be sluggish on a global scale.

3. What are three concerns that author has with globalisation?

The three concerns the author has with globalisation are - Environmental, Social Disruption, and Technology.

There is no governing body to protect the environment. The economists who run the World Trade Organisation have become ignorant to the safe guarding of the environment. As industrial activity increases, so does the main concerns of water, air, and soil pollution. Climate change, and the overuse of non-renewable and slowly renewable resources, (which are being totally drained), are all an aspect of globalisation.

Social Disruption because of advanced technology in today's society can create a divide in class. There is a widening gap between the rich and the poor, for both the nation and state. Unemployment levels can increase because of the power of multi-nation corporations relocating, and consequently can be a contributing factor to a rise in crime because the affordability of a normal standard of living is too high.

With technology countries gain power, and this can lead to the creation and increase of regional wars and terrorism. Technological advancement in richer countries give the ability to become more powerful and masculine, and influence poorer countries. For example, the USA's influence over Haiti's creole pigs which were killed off to amalgamate Haiti into the global economy. The pigs introduced to Haiti (from America) had a huge demand on their need for upkeep which led Haiti to lose money, and become a country poverty stricken. Even after twenty seven years, Haiti has still not recovered from this venture.

4. List three concerns the author raises about the links between globalisation and the environment?

Globalisation has a great impact on environmental issues. The concerns the author raises regarding the links between globalisation and the environment are:-

The reduction in genetic diversity in agriculture with the creation of seeds and grains. Farmers now have a reduction in existing varieties as people are now in favour of the new commercial - "high yielding seeds". The increase in over spraying, logging, increased herbicide use has also had an impact on wild relatives of food plants. Cereals, vegetables, fruits and nuts and other crops from critical resources for genes affecting disease resistance, can have detrimental effects on human health and reproduction.

Economically, Taiwan's exports are at an all time high but their forests have been cleared for development and tree farms. Environmentally soil and water are polluted by pesticides and fertilizers. There are no government restrictions on the environment so a majority of factories dump their waste into the air and waterways. Power and possession is the most important to them. The greed and carelessness in the high increase in trade has now had a negative impact on the people's health. Respiratory problems such as asthma has quadrupled in the past twenty five years, and cancer is now a leading cause of death.

5. Thinking about your own life - list one positive and one negative way that you are affected by globalisation.

The positive aspect of globalisation in my life is technological advancement. The use of mobile phones and internet access gives me great tools to

communicate with my family and friends. Furthermore the internet allows me to gain knowledge and information I need



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