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Hrm in Ireland

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HRM in Ireland

With traditional approaches to HRM and employee relations in Ireland being confronted, there is significant evidence to show that this is caused by the wider business environment rather than within the structure as a whole. (P. Gunnigle, P37)

Ireland is largely dependent on multinationals and international trade and changes within this wider business circle would have serious ramifications for Ireland. As competition is increasing organisations must centre their attention on cost, product innovation and quality. Companies have become more aware of customisation, delivery and support services. The state owned sector has widely seen an increase in competition. A decline in state monopolies has been the effect of changes at European Union level. An earlier example of competitiveness in Ireland was Aer Lingus having to deal with the deregulation of the airline industry. This led to compelling changes in employment numbers, employment patterns and reward systems. (P. Gunnigle, P37)

In Ireland the framework is supported by both "continuity and change" in HRM. (Monks 1992, 93; Gunnigle et al 1994; Turner Morley 1995; Gunnigle Morley and Turner 1997) Irish organisations adopt the specialist HR function along with core HRM activities exist with the continued importance placed on employee relations as part of the HRM role. As the core element of HRM have remained fixed practice within specific areas have experienced change.

Gunnigle(1998a:17) argument is that "contingency approaches are now the order of the day". Where the HR function is affected by a number of influences, which are defined as the four typologies of HRM.

In Ireland high commitment HR was the first HR function to actively question the "industrial relations orthodoxy" unlike traditional adversarial HR which was originally the superior HR function type in Ireland and its association to Tysons business manager model. High commitment HR and IR policies are created to cultivate employee diligence and show the importance of the interests between management and employees. The change agent role is important in this model where the HR function is powerful and researched. With the commitment model having come under close examination, the transaction model puts importance on lowering personal cost. (P. Gunnigle, P38)

With the growth in "union management partnership" having come under the spotlight in Ireland. The logic for belief is that partnership is established by "mutual gains", this occurs by workers and unions actively following, along with management, answers to problems and suitable work restructuring, which will lead to more involvement. (P.Gunnigle, P39)

The Hard variant of HRM

Fombrum et al's(1984) "matching model" brings to light the "resource" aim of HRM and shows the importance of implementing adequate human resources to meet organisational objectives. Where the human resources must be acquired cost effectively, grown and used completely.

"The Matching model" for the most part is established by Chandlers (1962) opinion that and organisations structure comes from its strategy. This was then developed by Fombrum et al (1984) in their strategic HRM model, the significance of a "tight fit"



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