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Ibm's Values and Corporate Citizenship Case

Essay by   •  October 5, 2011  •  Case Study  •  475 Words (2 Pages)  •  4,267 Views

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IBM as the headquartered in computer technology field was known for a tradition of progressive leadership. It is pursuit the grand challenges of the day. IBM is playing the role as global enterprises have a responsibility to protect the globe. They realized that all businesses today face a new reality - more important and lasting, changing technology or global market trend.

In achieving the values of IBM, which focus on innovation and trust, this is the right time to re-examine their values, and to redouble their commitment to making IBM a great company. That starts with changes in innovation in service to the social and educational goals of the broader society. They sponsor schools included donating hardware, software, and curriculum assistance to training centers for impaired youth and supporting them in job placement. According to that, the industry is changing in fundamental ways by gaining new ideas.

IBM actively recommended that its employees use the Internet--at a time when many companies were seeking to restrict their employees' Internet access. The company made a strategic decision to embrace the blogosphere and to encourage IBMers to participate. They continue to advocate IBMers' responsible involvement today in this rapidly growing environment of relationship, learning and collaboration. IBM is increasingly exploring how online discourse through social computing can empower IBMers as global professionals, innovators and citizens. These individual interactions represent a new model: not mass communications, but masses of communicators. Through these interactions, IBM's greatest asset -- the expertise of its employees--can be shared with clients, shareholders, and the communities in which it operates.

Essentially on demand is about achieving dramatically increased levels of responsiveness to all kinds of changing conditions, in order to provide products or services in business, government, education or healthcare on demand. Corporate policies address issues that are considered leveraging partners and culture heritage projects. They were consistent with IBM's values and priorities and demonstrated IBM's capabilities and commitments.

For years, the hopes and expectations will exceeded what those mix-and-match donations could achieve. IBM will build up their reputation in short term. That effort led to a long term benefit that the creation of IBM's flagship philanthropic grant program, reinventing education, which puts IBM's technologies and expertise to work to improve schools throughout the world. Furthermore, no matter how strong the business plan, if the social structures surrounding a company are weak, there's very little opportunity for sustainable business success. So that to have a good connection with government will help develop the company plan a lot. And the impact on communities goes beyond the application of information technology. IBM



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